Welcome to Favorite Talks

Stars Speaker Talk title Duration Date
107 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Day 2 Keynote - State of the Velociraptor‎ [Single] 50 minutes 23/08/14 17:10
105 Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎Day 1 Keynote - You're Killing Managers (Keep It Up)‎ [Single] 50 minutes 22/08/14 17:10
105 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎ [Single] 60 minutes 22/08/14 16:10
105 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎ [Single] 60 minutes 23/08/14 16:10
99 Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎) ‎Day 3 Keynote - The Joy In What We Do‎ [Single] 50 minutes 24/08/14 16:10
98 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎ [Single] 60 minutes 24/08/14 17:00
79 Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎How to Fake a Database Design‎ [DB] 50 minutes 22/08/14 13:50
79 Marian Marinov (‎HackMan‎) ‎Welcome to YAPC‎ [Single] 20 minutes 22/08/14 11:00
74 osfameron ‎Functional Pe(a)rls: Huey's Zipper‎ [Functional] 50 minutes 23/08/14 14:50
70 Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎Code I'm proud of‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 13:20
67 Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎) ‎Reading the layercake, an introduction to PerlIO‎ [Other] 20 minutes 23/08/14 13:20
64 Marian Marinov (‎HackMan‎) ‎Create your containers with perl‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 23/08/14 11:30
64 Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎) ‎Plack for Fun and Profit (But Mostly Profit)‎ [Web] 50 minutes 24/08/14 13:50
59 Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎) ‎Asynchronous Programming with Futures‎ [Functional] 50 minutes 24/08/14 13:50
58 Susanne Schmidt (‎Su-Shee‎) ‎MVC-templates-routes web frameworks - is that all there is?‎ [Web] 50 minutes 24/08/14 11:30
54 John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎) ‎Auditing and toughening as part of the Security Development Lifecycle‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 22/08/14 11:30
54 Kerstin Puschke (‎titanoboa‎) ‎Behind the scenes of a grown-up web application‎ [Web] 20 minutes 24/08/14 10:00
53 Xan Hilmisdóttir (‎xan‎) ‎Fake filesystems in pure Perl‎ [Other] 20 minutes 24/08/14 13:20
51 Denis Banovic (‎@bano99‎) ‎Docker with Perl - an Introduction‎ [Devops] 20 minutes 23/08/14 11:00
51 Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) ‎Adventures in Perl 6 Asynchrony‎ [Perl6] 50 minutes 24/08/14 14:50
46 StrayTaoist ‎Open source deep sky images using perl‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 14:50
44 Upasana Shukla (‎upasana‎) ‎Structured exceptions in Moose‎ [Other] 50 minutes 24/08/14 14:50
44 Rick Deller (‎PerlRick‎) ‎Recruitment in Perl - The State of the Perl Recruitment Market‎ [Community] 20 minutes 23/08/14 13:20
43 Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎) ‎GOTO statement considered awesome‎ [Perl6] 50 minutes 24/08/14 10:30
42 Luboš Kolouch (‎kolcon‎) ‎Perl in Automotive Logistics‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 15:20
42 Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎OX & AngularJS - superheroic & hardworking frameworks for back- & frontend‎ [Web] 50 minutes 24/08/14 10:30
40 Bradley Andersen (‎elohmrow‎) ‎Regex 101‎ [Beginner] 50 minutes 23/08/14 10:00
39 Alex Balhatchet (‎Kaoru‎) ‎Geocoding the World (in Perl)‎ [Geo] 20 minutes 22/08/14 13:20
36 Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) ‎Web automation with WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS‎ [Best] 50 minutes 24/08/14 11:30
36 Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) ‎Rakudo Perl 6 and MoarVM Performance Advances‎ [Perl6] 50 minutes 22/08/14 14:50
36 Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎) ‎Get Me to the Pub Please‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 15:20
36 Mihai Pop ‎Perl Secret‎ [Beginner] 20 minutes 22/08/14 11:30
35 Tom Hukins ‎HTTP Clients and Perl‎ [Web] 20 minutes 23/08/14 11:00
35 Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎) ‎Translation with context‎ [Other] 20 minutes 22/08/14 12:00
34 Simun Kodzoman (‎sime‎) ‎Running Slovenian national video and audio archive on Perl Dancer.‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 14:50
33 Tatsuro Hisamori (‎@myfinder‎) ‎How to: more faster "make test"‎ [Best] 20 minutes 24/08/14 10:00
30 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Devops Logique‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 23/08/14 13:50
30 Jose Luis Martinez Torres (‎JLMARTIN‎) ‎Building an AWS SDK for Perl‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 23/08/14 13:50
30 Borislav Nikolov (‎jackdoe‎) ‎Extreme (Elastic)Search‎ [Success] 20 minutes 23/08/14 11:00
27 Denis Banovic (‎@bano99‎) ‎Perl in the Cloud - Update‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 23/08/14 14:50
27 Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) ‎Creative Perlmongership‎ [Community] 50 minutes 23/08/14 13:50
27 Torsten Raudssus (‎Getty‎) ‎SyContent - Content in the Cloud with V8‎ [Devops] 50 minutes 23/08/14 10:00
26 Maroš Kollár (‎maros‎) ‎Home Automation With Perl‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 14:20
26 Denis Banovic (‎@bano99‎) ‎Easy debugging with Devel::hdb‎ [Best] 20 minutes 24/08/14 11:00
26 Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎) ‎C-Day Is Coming‎ [Perl6] 50 minutes 24/08/14 11:30
25 osfameron ‎Adventures in civic hacking - FixMyStreet's Open311 support‎ [Geo] 20 minutes 22/08/14 13:50
25 Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎SQL::Abstract::FromQuery‎ [DB] 20 minutes 23/08/14 10:30
24 Ervin Ruci (‎eruci‎) ‎A geo search engine in a few lines of perl‎ [Geo] 20 minutes 22/08/14 14:20
24 Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) ‎Dancer and DBIx::Class‎ [Web] 50 minutes 23/08/14 11:30
23 Красимир Беров (‎berov‎) ‎Ado - framework for web projects on Mojolicious‎ [Web] 20 minutes 24/08/14 13:20
23 Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) ‎Video and audio with Perl and DLNA (and Chromecast)‎ [Success] 20 minutes 22/08/14 13:50
22 Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎) ‎Digest:SHA is broken‎ [Other] 20 minutes 24/08/14 13:20
22 DrForr ‎Shiny Happy Test Suites‎ [Best] 20 minutes 24/08/14 10:30
21 ribasushi +1 ‎SQL for accountants: understanding the beast via SpreadSheets‎ [DB] 50 minutes 23/08/14 11:30
21 Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Perl 6 in context‎ [Perl6] 50 minutes 22/08/14 11:30
21 Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎App::AutoCRUD‎ [DB] 50 minutes 24/08/14 14:50
19 Naim Shafiyev (‎shafiev‎) ‎Automatization Network infrastructure‎ [Devops] 20 minutes 23/08/14 13:20
18 ignat ignatov ‎Using Perl for autogeneration physical formulas‎ [Success] 20 minutes 23/08/14 10:00
16 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Dancer: Getting to Hello World‎ [Web] 20 minutes 24/08/14 10:00
13 H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) ‎CSV made easier for end-users‎ [DB] 50 minutes 23/08/14 14:50
12 Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎) ‎Some Dist::Zilla::Plugin:: best practices‎ [Best] 20 minutes 22/08/14 13:20
6 David Verdin (‎tusker‎) ‎Sympa : a mailing lists manager and more‎ [Success] 50 minutes 24/08/14 13:50
3 Dimitar Mitov ‎Perl Executing Browser: yet another GUI for scripts and enhanced web client‎ [Lightning] lightning  
2 Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎) ‎Matrix: a new federated open ecosystem for realtime communication‎ [Lightning] lightning  
2 osfameron ‎Global Civic Hacking 101‎ [Lightning] lightning  
2 Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎App::Harmonograph‎ [Lightning] lightning  
2 Dan Muey ‎I � Unicode‎ [Lightning] lightning  
2 Maroš Kollár (‎maros‎) ‎Command line apps for the lazy and impatient‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Karl Rune Nilsen (‎krunen‎) ‎Announcement of Nordic Perl Workshop 2015‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎) ‎(Fancy) hello world in Perl 6‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Alex-P. Natsios (‎Drakevr‎) ‎OS-autoinst: Testing with Perl and openCV‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Marian Marinov (‎HackMan‎) ‎Perl Ladies events world wide‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Theo van Hoesel (‎vanHoesel‎) ‎the Long Journey‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Robert Rothenberg ‎Object::Signature::Portable‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Ignacio Rivas (‎sabarasaba‎) ‎Web Components, The future of the web‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Laurent Dami (‎dami‎) ‎Virtual tables in Perl for SQLite‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎) ‎Camel <--> Butterfly‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Alex Balhatchet (‎Kaoru‎) ‎Test::Kit 2.0‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Mihai Pop ‎Trubzi.com‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Torsten Raudssus (‎Getty‎) ‎Life After Breaking Bad‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Simun Kodzoman (‎sime‎) ‎TableEditor‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎The OAuth2 Dance‎ [Lightning] lightning  
1 Ivan Baidakou (‎basiliscos‎) ‎AntTweakBar announcement / demonstration‎ [Lightning] lightning