Welcome to I � Unicode

I � Unicode

By Dan Muey from Houston.pm
Lightning talk
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: unicode utf8

Leary of using Unicode or not quite sure where to start when dealing with garbled text?

Then “I � Unicode” is for you!

It will be the 5-minute version of a 35-minute talk I give on the subject, we will quickly touch on:

1. a basic intro to the simple elegance of Unicode
2. a discussion of why it feels complicated/confusing
3. an outline of approaches you can take to use it and troubleshoot it effectively

The goal is for you to say “I ♥ Unicode” or at least have a better experience with it!

The full version that I mention in the talk can be seen at http://youtu.be/NHZGr_y1pHg

Attended by: Daniel Mita (‎⚡🍡‎), Mihai Pop,