Devops Logique
By Matt S Trout (mst) from,,,
Date: Saturday, 23 August 2014 13:50
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
?- predictable(reality).
?- theory = practice.
Most of us already owe prolog a debt indirectly via erlang.
However, logic programming in and of itself has much to teach us about
approaches to systems - taking declarative system descriptions to a new
level of abstraction, and finding ways to integrate these ideas back into
more common workflows.
From prolog to erlang to haskell to lisp to tcl and then back to prolog I
have journeyed, and I'd like to share some of the beautiful and brilliant
things I've discovered along the way and why I think they might make us
better operations geeks.
And when approaching new languages, always remember: You can't scare us,
we've used m4.
Attended by: osfameron, David Schmidt (davewood), Daniel Moldovan, Jan Kittler (Kita), Patrick Mevzek, steve mynott (itz), Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Martin Cermak, Jan Seidl (JaSei), Marco Pessotto (melmothx), Michal Jurosz (mj41), Ksenia Bobrova, Matthias Zeichmann, Johnathan Swan, Bradley Andersen (elohmrow), Andrew Nugged (nugged), Søren Lund (slu), Michal Josef Špaček (skim), Lukáš Rampa, Borislav Nikolov (jackdoe), Nikolaos-Digenis Karagiannis (Digenis), Alexander Hartmaier (abraxxa), Mihai Safta (SDCM), Thomas Reifenberger, Lukas Mai (mauke), Roman Daniel (wayan), Xan Hilmisdóttir (xan), Olivier Mengué (dolmen), Alexandru Strajeriu (Deluxaran), Alex-P. Natsios (Drakevr),