Welcome to Creative Perlmongership

Creative Perlmongership

By Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) from Oslo.pm
Date: Saturday, 23 August 2014 13:50
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: business community conference event hackathon mongers networking organizing perl volunteering

This talk is for anyone who would like to improve their local Perl community!

Oslo Perl Mongers (http://oslo.pm/) have been at it for more than 10 years now, and they've tried quite a few different things to improve their local technical community.

In this talk, Salve J. Nilsen will tell about recent developments, share details and (public) secrets about their successes and/or failures, and hopefully give enough creative ammunition for any budding or experienced community organizer.

We'll touch upon hackathons (Moving to Moose 2012 and others), conferences (Mojoconf 2014 and others), meetups, community cooperation, volunteerism, useful resources, and anything else that might come up. We'll finish off with a Q&A, so come prepared with your concerns, questions and thoughts. Let's help each other get the best community EVAR! :D

Attended by: osfameron, Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎), Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), Paul Cochrane (‎ptc‎), Kerstin Puschke (‎titanoboa‎), Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎), Bernhard Schmalhofer (‎bernhard‎), Jean-Baptiste Mazon, Kamen Naydenov (‎pau4o‎), Amalia Aida (‎amalia‎), Jussi Kinnula (‎Spot‎), Abigail, Karl Rune Nilsen (‎krunen‎), Mihai Pop, Gleb Panshin (‎panshin‎), Luboš Kolouch (‎kolcon‎), Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎), Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎), Ahti Nurminen (‎ade‎), Ivan Baidakou (‎basiliscos‎), Andrew Nugged (nugged), Zhivko Zhelyazkov (‎ison‎), Marc Egea i Sala (‎meis‎), Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎), Laurent Dami (‎dami‎), Todor Petkov, Simun Kodzoman (‎sime‎),