Welcome to Dancer and DBIx::Class

Dancer and DBIx::Class

By Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎) from Hannover.pm
Date: Saturday, 23 August 2014 11:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: ajax angular bootstrap dancer dbic editor plugin session table

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

DBIx::Class is certainly one of the greatest treasures of "Modern Perl" and features fast and convenient database queries.

Dancer makes it really easy to build web applications by using a simple syntax and straightforward programming.

How do they fit together? First with the DBIC plugin for Dancer. This allows you to use multiple DBIx::Class schemas within a single Dancer application.

I also wrote a Dancer session engine based on DBIC, which allows you to save sessions into the database.

Finally, a project is presented that lets you edit database contents based on a DBIx::Class schema.

Attended by: Marco Pessotto (‎melmothx‎), Upasana Shukla (‎upasana‎), Patrick Ringl (‎pari‎), Anca Davidel, Alexandru Strajeriu (‎Deluxaran‎), StrayTaoist, Matthias Zeichmann, Simun Kodzoman (‎sime‎), Jussi Kinnula (‎Spot‎), Neil Hemingway (‎neilh‎), Dan Muey, Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎), Mihai Pop, Diana Vultur, Daniel Moldovan, Abe Timmerman (‎abeltje‎), Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎), Michal Jurosz (‎mj41‎), Andrew Nugged (nugged), Bradley Andersen (‎elohmrow‎), Zhivko Zhelyazkov (‎ison‎), R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), stoian iovchev, Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎),