Welcome to A geo search engine in a few lines of perl

A geo search engine in a few lines of perl

By Ervin Ruci (‎eruci‎)
Date: Friday, 22 August 2014 14:20
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: geocoding nlp perl

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

I present a geo search engine using minimalist perl. Several ideas about performance using genetic algorithms for hard optimization problems will be presented as well as a live working demo of a "proof of concept". The source code will be released on CPAN soon for others to improve on these ideas.

Attended by: osfameron, Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎), sotona, Upasana Shukla (‎upasana‎), Dimitar Mitov, Mihai Pop, M W (‎diakopterXXX‎), Daniel Fiala, Oliver Hoos, Heinz Knutzen, Sabina Nenkova, Marian Chinciusan (‎ralea1313‎), StrayTaoist, Anton Berezin (‎Grrrr‎), Cristina Mavriche (‎suns‎), Andreea Hosu (‎Andreea‎), Ivan Ivanov (‎suricactus‎), Stefan Dragnev, Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎), Ahti Nurminen (‎ade‎), Alex-P. Natsios (‎Drakevr‎), David Schmidt (‎davewood‎), Borislav Nikolov (‎jackdoe‎), Simun Kodzoman (‎sime‎),