Welcome to Global Civic Hacking 101

Global Civic Hacking 101

By osfameron from Italia.pm,London.pm,NorthWestEngland.pm,Edinburgh.pm
Lightning talk
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: civic

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

The Internet isn't just about cats and shopping. Activists and hackers also collaborate to make websites that make people powerful.

Groups like UK's mySociety, Chile's Ciudadano Inteligente, and Taiwan's cheekily named g0v.tw are increasingly working together to create applications and composable high-level components.

This talk will be a short, whistle-stop overview of just a few of the interesting groups and sites that are currently live or in development around the world.

Attended by: Daniel Mita (‎⚡🍡‎), Mihai Pop,