Welcome to GOTO statement considered awesome

GOTO statement considered awesome

By Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎)
Date: Sunday, 24 August 2014 10:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: coroutines cps distributed perl6

As I surveyed my requirements, I realized that what I most wanted was for a subroutine to be able to pause in the middle and resume sometime later -- maybe even after a reboot of the whole program. Was that so much to ask?

The answer to this question took me on a strange journey via coroutines, CPS transforms, state machines, exotic language features, distributed computing -- until finally dumping me in a place of relative joy and contentment.

As they say, the spice must flow. But how it flows, and where, is largely up to us.

Attended by: Nicholas Clark, steve mynott (‎itz‎), Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎), osfameron, Alex Balhatchet (‎Kaoru‎), Gianni Ceccarelli (‎dakkar‎), Luboš Kolouch (‎kolcon‎), H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎), Alex-P. Natsios (‎Drakevr‎), Vasil Sakarov, Paul Cochrane (‎ptc‎), Olivier Duclos (‎odc‎), Wolfgang Schemmel (‎Perleone‎), Dimitar Mitov, Mike Chamberlain, Aaron Crane (‎arc‎), M W (‎diakopterXXX‎), Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎), Michal Jurosz (‎mj41‎), Johnathan Swan, Bernhard Schmalhofer (‎bernhard‎), Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (‎ilmari‎), Jean-Baptiste Mazon, Matthias Zeichmann, Naim Shafiyev (‎shafiev‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Jean Forget, Oana Raluca Rusu, Stefan Dragnev, Karl Rune Nilsen (‎krunen‎), Dan Muey, Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎), John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎), Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Michael Lush, Borislav Nikolov (‎jackdoe‎), David Leadbeater (‎dg‎), Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎), Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎), Todor Petkov, Veroslav Cenov (‎gryzli‎), Nikolaos-Digenis Karagiannis (‎Digenis‎), Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎),