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- 25 Years of Perl in (about) 25 Minutes
- Dave Cross (davorg), Magnum Solutions Ltd.
- English, 20 minutes
Last December, Perl was 25 years old. Here's a very high-level look at Perl's history.
- A Talk
- Piers Cawley (pdcawley)
- English, lightning
Some word
- API design by counterexample
- Zefram .
- English, 40 minutes
This talk will discuss API design principles, illustrating them with a case study of the popular but flawed DateTime API. In addition to general OO API design, there will be more specific lessons applicable to time-handling APIs. Leap second pedantry will be kept to a minimum
- Adventures in Perl packaging
- Jon Jensen (jon_jensen), End Point Dev
- English, 40 minutes
It is a source of convenience and just as often, annoyance, that Linux distributions come with Perl and some prepackaged CPAN modules. By the time developers get a chance to use any given version of a Linux distribution, its perl and CPAN modules are often old, sometimes very old.
- Agents, brains, and flying robots
- Carl Mäsak (masak)
- English, 40 minutes
It's the year 2013, far into the future. And I'm finally building the software agent that I've been wanting for years. My online secretary, my extended brain, my... digital extension of the fallible, forgetful wetware between my ears.
- Agile Companies Go P.O.P.
- Curtis Poe (Ovid), All Around The World
- English, 40 minutes
Agile companies aren't just about XP, Scrum or Kanban. It's like saying your powerful V8 engine is a car. Agile companies are about P.O.P.: People, Organization, and Process.
- Application Perl in the middle-size ISP
- Naim Shafiyev (shafiev), Azedunet
- English, 20 minutes
I'll talk about 3 "monents": releated to application Perl is ISP:
- Asynchronously Fantastic
- Sawyer X (Sawyer X),
- English, 40 minutes
The new age is all about non-blocking asynchronous creative responsive deconstructive refactored decoupled conjectured applications. If you're not on
- Benchmarking is *REALLY* hard
- ribasushi +1
- English, 20 minutes
Several years ago I realized that I can not reliably reproduce the results of any particular microbenchmark. Furthermore - none of the pieces available on CPAN could do so either.
- Binary Protocols Using Pack for Fun and For Profit
- Nicholas Perez (nperez),
- English, 20 minutes
When you need space, speed, and simplicity, pack gives you almost everything you need to build binary protocols for services with low-latency requirements.
- Bread::Board by example
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- English, 40 minutes
Bread::Board is an interesting, powerful and very hard to understand module. I recently had to work through it, and after lots of digging (and help from Bread::Board hackers) managed to understand it.
- Building Server-Side Cookie Storage at a Massive Scale
- Damian Gryski
- English, 40 minutes
Traditional client-side cookies can turn out to be awfully limiting. Little space - platform dependent, no less. No way to query or modify them in your application outside of handling an HTTP request. And no way to share data across devices. Storing the data server-side is easy up to a point. [...]
- Building a static web page using Blio
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- English, 20 minutes
Blio is my blogging "engine". It converts a bunch of plain-texty files into HTML, thus generating a nice and static website (like jekyll)
- Sawyer X (Sawyer X),
- English, lightning
CGI is the devil and tonight we're all exorcists!
- Closing
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, 5 minutes
The only chance to see all the people taking part in organising this year's YAPC::Europe together on stage and applause to them
- CloudPAN: When you don't want to install modules to try them out
- Nicholas Perez (nperez),
- English, 20 minutes
Sometimes you don't want to go through the hassle of installing modules just to see if they will work for you.
- Combine multiple images and speed up your website with CSS::SpriteMaker
- Savio Dimatteo (darksmo), Lokku Ltd.
- English, 20 minutes
A CSS Sprite is an image obtained by arranging many smaller images on a 2D
- Concurrency, Parallelism and Asynchrony: Perl 6 plotting and prototyping
- Jonathan Worthington (jnthn), Edument Central Europe sro.
- English, 40 minutes
With Rakudo now running on the JVM - a platform with solid threads and non-blocking IO support - we are finally in a position to start nailing down the concurrent, parallel and asynchronous features of the language.
- Coping with Help from Non-Techies: Technical Tips & Social Engineering
- Smylers, Direct Boat Insurance
- English, 20 minutes
What happens when non-developers help out with a project? Tips for managing collaboration, and software suggestions so that their contributions don't harm your productivity.
- DBIx::Class has new website
- Sawyer X (Sawyer X),
- English, lightning
DBIx::Class has a new website
- Dancer: Getting to Hello World
- R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey), Perceptyx
- English, 20 minutes
When attempting to learn Dancer I ran into the problem that all the documentation started from "Here is a 'Hello World' script". But that was assuming many things were set up and configured and that just was not true, at least not on my server.
- Dancing Around the World
- Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Stefan Hornburg
- English, 40 minutes
We delevoping applications for the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP). The target audience for these applications are the over 850 American Spaces worldwide. Dancer is used since two years as platform, for new applications and relaunches of older applications.
- DevOps for the Masses
- DrForr
- English, 20 minutes
A savage journey to the heart of the DevOps dream. We'll discuss what DevOps is, why you should migrate, and how to get there in the brave new world of virtualization, continuous testing and continuous deployment
- Doors of Durin
- Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim)
- English, lightning
The Doors of Durin were an amazing piece of tech gear in the Third Age of Middle-Earth. That much has been known all along, but recent archaeological work shows evidence that it was capable of things not previously imagined
- Easy Parallel Computing in Perl 5 for Multi-Core CPUs
- Darko Obradovic, DFKI GmbH - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
- English, 20 minutes
Today most modern computers have CPUs with multiple cores, but the traditional programming paradigm lets us still program with single processes using just one core most of the time.
- Exceptional Perl 6 - Error handling and Reporting in Perl 6
- Moritz Lenz (moritz), noris network AG
- English, 40 minutes
Have you ever been annoyed with perl, because it just told you "syntax error" when you forgot to close a parenthesis? Or that you can't easily catch some exceptions, and let others pass through?
- Exploit a PerlIO bug to run your own code at the beginning of another program
- Lukas Mai (mauke), Jochen Schweizer Technology Solutions GmbH
- English, lightning
Sometimes you want to run your own initialization code before a program starts running (or even compiling). Real-world example: BEGIN { $DB::deep = 1000; }
- Extending Syntax - Functional Programming meet Macros
- Rolf Langsdorf (LanX)
- English, 40 minutes
Perl has huge flexibility to extend its own syntax, not always to the good of the maintainability.
- Function::Parameters is pretty cool
- Lukas Mai (mauke), Jochen Schweizer Technology Solutions GmbH
- English, lightning
I wrote a module called Function::Parameters and I want to tell people how cool it is.
- Garbage Collection and Allocation in MoarVM
- M W (diakopterXXX)
- English, lightning
A quick intro into some Garbage Collection terminology and concepts, in the context of how MoarVM's garbage collector was designed and works today
- Grassroot community improvement FTW
- Salve J. Nilsen (sjn), (None)
- English, 50 minutes
In this talk, Salve J. Nilsen will be sharing some of his experiences from organizing Oslo Perl Mongers and other volunteer communities in Oslo, Norway. We'll use some of these as a basis for further discussion on how to make the Perl community better and more vibrant.
- Growing a Perl team (and the whole Perl community too!)
- Alex Balhatchet (Kaoru), Lokku Ltd.
- English, 40 minutes
We are a team of 4-5 Perl developers. But in the last 7 years we have had 27 unique engineers! Why? Because we hire interns!
- Hacking on perl5
- Ruslan Zakirov (ruz), Best Practical Solutions
- English, lightning
A small success story
- Hire a Designer, Save a Life
- Lyle Hopkins (CosmicNet), Cosmic Networks
- English, lightning
Hiring decisions can have a huge impact on peoples lives. See
- How I won an indoor golf set from
- Brian McCauley (Nobull)
- English, lightning
To my great surprise, and no doubt in no small part thanks to BooK not being here, I won the golf challenge.
- How to contribute to a project without knowing a damn bit about it or being able to run the code
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- English, lightning
How I added a feature to ACT without knowing ACT or running it locally
- How to speak manager
- Denis Banovic (@bano99), net communication management
- English, 20 minutes
If you want to improove your current job situation this is the right talk for you! Learn how to deal with managers and to speak their language. After examining difficult situations together, you will receive advice on how to successfully make your point, how to handle bad news and how to ask for a raise. [...]
- HowTo: Perl as the most popular scripting language
- Richard Jelinek (TheWhip), PetaMem GmbH
- English, 40 minutes
We all want Perl to flourish - don't we?
- IPC::Cmd::run_forked - control external programs easily
- Petya Kohts
- English, lightning
IPC::Cmd::run_forked is a simple way of running external program from Perl and terminating it when it executes longer than expected. run_forked is also efficient enough to be used at the core of snaked, pure perl cron replacement
- IRC logs on the web
- Moritz Lenz (moritz), noris network AG
- English, lightning
On I log IRC channels of open source projects. If anybody wants, they can ask me to log their channel too, for free.
- Implementing Two Factor Authentication
- Max Maischein (Corion)
- English, 40 minutes
This talk shows the implementation of RFC 6238 in Perl together with the open source application "Google Authenticator". We'll discuss the workflow and use, and the problems that come with two factor authentication. Additionally, we'll show the example of using two factor authentication with a web framework like Dancer.
- Implementing Unicode for Rakudo on MoarVM and JVM backends
- M W (diakopterXXX)
- English, lightning
A quick delve into a couple of interesting implementation techniques of the Unicode Character Database, originally prototyped for MoarVM, but to be ported trivially to the JVM Rakudo backend soon, including bitfield generation and recursive binary search algorithm generators
- Increasing Perl Awareness
- Tudor Constantin, Evozon
- English, lightning
What if we'd have a group of Perl loving people who automatically share and promote on their social networks each other's blog posts and Perl related articles? This lightning talk is about a tool that does just that - made with Mojoliciou
- Integrating DBI-Test
- H.Merijn Brand (Tux), Procura
- English, lightning
What is the DBI team doing behind the scene
- Introduction to Method::Signatures
- Denis Banovic (@bano99), net communication management
- English, 20 minutes
Unpacking and validating function parameters can be very tricky sometimes.
- Is Perl 6 Perl ?
- Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz), WenZPerl BV
- English, lightning
Show that Perl 6 *is* per
- Is your software development process complete?
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)
- English, 20 minutes
I'm currently writing a draft to bring some new flavour into the so called modern software development methodologies.
- Keynote
- Larry Wall (TimToady)
- English, 60 minutes
- LWP over libcurl
- Stanislav Poussep (Stas),
- English, lightning
LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl: getting the best of the both worlds; available now in a CPAN mirror near you
- Lightning Talks Day 1
- R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey), Perceptyx
- English, 70 minutes
- Lightning Talks Day 2
- R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey), Perceptyx
- English, 70 minutes
- Lightning Talks Day 3
- R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey), Perceptyx
- English, 70 minutes
- Long live Lingua::<iso639-3>
- Richard Jelinek (TheWhip), PetaMem GmbH
- English, lightning
PetaMem has recently contributed some 40 modules to the Lingua::<iso639-3> namespace. I'd like to briefly introduce their functionality in this lightning talk and also advocate the future usage of the iso639-3 namespace instead of the now used iso639-1
- Macroeconomics 101 in Five Minutes
- Curtis Poe (Ovid), All Around The World
- English, lightning
Many people don't understand the term "information economy" and of those who do, they often miss some of the implications.
- Making it easier to test network client code by mocking LWP request()
- Jason Clifford
- English, lightning
I was recently part of a team writing a new client to a network service which required tests across multiple layers of client code.
- Matt's PSGI Archive
- Dave Cross (davorg), Magnum Solutions Ltd.
- English, 20 minutes
In 1995, Matt Wright launched "Matt's Script Archive".
- MoarVM: a metamodel-focused runtime for NQP and Rakudo
- Jonathan Worthington (jnthn), Edument Central Europe sro.
- English, 40 minutes
MoarVM, short for Metamodel On A Runtime, is a runtime engine being built with the specific needs of Rakudo and its implementation langauge, NQP, in mind. It joins the JVM, Parrot, and, given a successful GSoC project, JavaScript, as a Rakudo Perl 6 backend.
- Monitoring Your Code with Log4perl
- Tom Hukins, Except One
- English, 20 minutes
When applications break, it's helpful to have informative logs to look through to find out what happened.
- Monitoring with Perl and Unix::Statgrab
- Jens Rehsack (Sno)
- English, 20 minutes
Platform independent monitoring with Perl and Unix::Statgrab.
- Multiple platform packaging
- Jens Rehsack (Sno)
- English, lightning
How to increase value with reduced effort by using pkgsr
- My way to becoming a Perl programmer
- Ilya Chesnokov (ichesnokov)
- English, lightning
I'll tell how I managed to become a Perl programmer after working as a sysadmin in a small company and how perl community changed my mind
- Open source at NAP
- Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar), Veritone Hire
- English, lightning
how net-a-porter contributes back to the communit
- OpenSource conferences in Ukraine
- Mykola Marzhan (delgod)
- English, lightning
- Opening. Day 1
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, 10 minutes
Welcome to the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev!
- Opening. Day 2
- Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti)
- English, 10 minutes
Welcome to the Day 2 of the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev.
- Opening. Day 3
- Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Yandex
- English, 10 minutes
Welcome to the (alas, last) Day 3 of the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev.
- Organizing a Perl Workshop for Dummies
- Tadeusz Sośnierz (tadzik)
- English, lightning
In may this year,, usually 3-people-strong, organized the first Polish Perl Workshop, for almost 40 attendees. It wasn't nearly as hard as it was satisfying, so I'll try to spend 5 minutes convincing you to do the same in your town
- Our::Boilerplate - how to make your own modern Perl dialect
- Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim)
- English, 20 minutes
I will show how to bundle up modules which you use all the time in your application modules anyway - this is nicknamed "boilerplate code". Together with syntax-bending modules, this gives you your own dialect of Perl that's supposed to better in some way than standard Perl - easier to program, shorter source code, easier to maintain, etc.
- PAC terminal - good choice for CLI
- Naim Shafiyev (shafiev), Azedunet
- English, lightning
In this lighting talk i will talk about PAC
- Perl 6 OO vs. Moose
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)
- English, 40 minutes
Moose was the greatest chunk of Perl 6 features that found their way into the Perl 5 world with a stormy applause. But while this flow of features took place, a lot of other ideas were merged, so that P6 OO and M* have differences (also because you simple can't wrench any syntax into Perl 5). I tell you which. [...]
- Perl 6 hackathon
- Jonathan Worthington (jnthn), Edument Central Europe sro.
- English, 480 minutes
Your real chance to be involved to the Perl 6 development.
- Perl Quiz
- Ivan Fomichev, XING AG
- English, lightning
An interactive game for the audience, mainly based on some especially nasty gotchas in Perl 5 syntax I stumbled upon, and some recommendations how to avoid them
- Perl and SSH
- Salvador Fandiño (salva)
- English, 40 minutes
There is a bunch of modules on CPAN for interaction with remote machines via SSH.
- Perl in the Cloud
- Denis Banovic (@bano99), net communication management
- English, 40 minutes
Are you tired of doing OPS when all you want to do is DEV? Do you want to scale your Perl applications within few minutes?
- Perl6 is dead, long live Perl5
- Christian Karg (odrm), Pirum Systems Limited
- English, 20 minutes
Development of Perl6 is sucking in huge amounts of community creativity, attention and effort. Perl5 is the production work horse in commercial settings. Perl5 needs love and attention and investment for any of Perl to stay cool, hot, sexy and alive. We talk about "get the body you always wanted in 30 minutes" - our fitness regime for perl5.
- Pre-conference meeting
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, 240 minutes
Pre-conference meeting at the “Varenichnaya Katysha” restaurant. Please add this event to your personal schedule so that we can predict the number of attendees.
- Production is boring — a lame excuse
- Alex Kapranoff (kappa), Yandex
- English, lightning
Obsolete skills are not fit for production because they are obsolete and not because production is boring.
- Questhub: a place to share your Perl quests
- Vyacheslav Matyukhin (mmcleric / berekuk),
- English, 40 minutes
Questhub is a social task tracker. (You might have heard of it when it was called Play Perl.)
- Rakudo Perl 6 on the JVM
- Jonathan Worthington (jnthn), Edument Central Europe sro.
- English, 40 minutes
For a long time, the Rakudo Perl 6 implementation has only run on and targeted the Parrot Virtual Machine. During the last 8-9 months, the Rakudo team have been taking advantage of Rakudo's flexible compiler architecture in order to add support for running on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
- Rakudo and Perl 5 interop scenarios
- M W (diakopterXXX)
- English, lightning
Following on Jonathan's MoarVM and JVM backends to Rakudo Perl 6 talks, this short talk walks through a couple of scenarios of interop of the proposed Perl 5 two-way embedding with Rakudo, both on the MoarVM and JVM backends
- Recent compiler optimizations
- Reini Urban (rurban)
- English, 50 minutes
I prototyped possible perl optimizations in the experimental B::CC backend and came to some interesting results, which led to design decisions and plans for Perl.
- Regexes can be simple and fast
- Carl Mäsak (masak)
- English, 40 minutes
I remember learning about regular expressions. They're this very expressive sublanguage, available at the press of the slash key in Perl, which makes a whole lot of tasks more tractable, easy to express, and fun. The syntax is a little quirky, but hey. They're pretty great.
- Reliable cron jobs in distributed environment
- Oleg Komarov (komarov),
- English, 20 minutes
Our department at Yandex has a large Perl codebase, it contains dozens of scripts that are executed in background.
- Replacing Module::Build
- Leon Timmermans (leont)
- English, 40 minutes
Module::Build is being removed from core in 5.20, which leads to the question "what else should we use, then?" Here, I provide to give some answers.
- Rex - Deployment and Configuration Management
- Jan Gehring (jfried)
- English, lightning
Rex is a server orchestration tool. It is designed for software deployments and configuration management. It doesn't require an agent on the target system. Everything runs over SSH.
- River Cruise Essentials
- Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti)
- English, 5 minutes
I will give some essential information of how to get to the River Station and find the gate where our boat will be waiting for us.
- Running random code
- David Leadbeater (dg)
- English, lightning
Fun with running random (untrusted) code. A whirlwind tour of Safe, some VMs and IRC bots
- SQL metaprogramming - non-ORM uses of DBIx::Class
- ribasushi +1
- English, 40 minutes
As the popularity of DBIx::Class continues to increase I run into a particular pattern more and more often: the 'O' in ORM confuses users and locks them into a rather limited programming style.
- Security of Perl and web applications
- Eugene Dokukin
- English, 40 minutes
I'll talk about security of Perl, its modules and web applications on Perl. Will discuss earlier disclosed vulnerabilities and present new holes. And I will compare situation with security between Perl and other web oriented programing languages and widespread of vulnerable web applications written on Perl and other languages
- Send-a-newbie programme
- Mihai Pop
- English, lightning
A short presentation of the Enlightened Perl Organisation programme, called Send-a-newbie, how I got to YAPC::Europe 2013, and why the community should support this initiative
- Serialization with Sereal: fast, compact, powerful. Pick three!
- Nicholas Perez (nperez),
- English, 40 minutes
There is an overwhelming variety of protocols and libraries for serialization. The set is almost as big as that of templating systems. This is because serialization is a game of trade-offs and various implementations happily reuse similar techniques but pick different compromises.
- Simpleness CMS
- Dimitry Ivanov (ivanoff)
- English, lightning
Simpleness CMS - is an open-source Perl CMS system.
- Some handy little modules
- Salvador Fandiño (salva)
- English, lightning
I have a couple of little but very useful modules on CPAN I would like to present:
- State of the Velociraptor
- Matt S Trout (mst), Shadowcat Systems Limited
- English, 40 minutes
Contents may include, but are not limited to:
- String::Print
- Mark Overmeer (markov), MARKOV Solutions
- English, 20 minutes
Many, many modules on CPAN improve (s)printf. Especially where printf meets translations, there is considerable room for improvement.
- Student project
- cono
- English, lightning
Want share my experience of the students project. We are teaching people how to Perl
- Syncing social media and feeds with IMAP
- Leon Brocard (acme)
- English, 20 minutes
IMAP has solved many problems, such as offline access and syncing with multiple clients. Come find out how a little Perl, knowledge of web services, email, URL expanders, oEmbed and readability can lead to reading Twitter and feeds offline on your phone, laptop, web browser..
- Template::Flute - Designer friendly template engine
- Jure Kodzoman (Yure), Informa Studio
- English, 20 minutes
If you know what it feels like to constantly fix HTML's your HTML designer sends you, then Template::Flute is for you. It's pure HTML template engine, made to ease the workflow between HTML designers and developers. This talk will cover benefits of using Template::Flute and explain easier workflow that can be achieved using it
- Testing DBI Drivers Conformance using DBI::Test
- Jens Rehsack (Sno)
- English, 20 minutes
This shall give DBD Authors an impression how to rely on the test framework delivered via DBI::Test for DBI and SQL::Statement
- Testing web applications through Selenium 2 / Webdriver using Perl
- Samit Badle
- English, 40 minutes
This talk provides a look into how Selenium 2 / WebDriver technologies can be used in Perl. This talk will cover the full stack including:-
- Testing with Test::Class::Moose
- Curtis Poe (Ovid), All Around The World
- English, 50 minutes
Lots of people like Moose. Lots of people like Test::Class. Naturally, they want to use Test::Class and Moose, but the two modules get into a fight about who gets to play with the new() constructor and it fails. So people keep emailing me "how do I use Test::Class with Moose?" So I wrote Test::Class::Moose. [...]
- Testing, what for?
- Patrick Mevzek
- English, 40 minutes
This presentation is neither an introduction to Perl tests, nor a full tutorial.
- The "Future Perl Versioning" Discussion
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, 40 minutes
The purpose is to fill this time slot with an open discussion of the future Perl versions naming. Should it be Perl 5.20, or Perl 7, or whatever, let's take our responsibility and face the reality to help the language develop.
- The Inescapable Kephra Update
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)
- English, lightning
There is new movement now, but i will speak about fresh developments not foreseeable now and the entangeled projects like, WxPerl, WxPerlbook, and GCL
- The Kingdom of the Blind
- Dave Cross (davorg), Magnum Solutions Ltd.
- English, lightning
A not entirely serious look at the world outside of the echo chambe
- The Long Journey
- Theo van Hoesel (vanHoesel), THEMA-MEDIA
- English, lightning
who is this newbie, where does he come from, and where will he be heading
- The Why and How of Redis
- Aaron Crane (arc), Cutbot Ltd.
- English, 20 minutes
Redis can seem like an odd beast: though it’s a “data store”, it’s very different from relational databases, or document databases, or other sorts of system you might be familiar with. [...]
- The project
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, lightning
I would like to tell about my idea of how we can raise some additional funds for the Perl events doing nothing.
- Unstupidifying MP3 tagging
- Sawyer X (Sawyer X),
- English, lightning
Many players rely on MP3 tagging to sort your audibles (music, audiobooks, etc.) but tagging MP3s is always a good way to get nightmares.
- What's new in DBIx::Class
- ribasushi +1
- English, lightning
Short overview of recent milestones in the development of DBIx::Clas
- Working on Perl 6 Internals
- Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz), WenZPerl BV
- English, lightning
A small demonstration of how easy it is to work on the Perl 6 internals, because most of the internals are written in Perl 6 itself
- Writing maintenable event driven programs with AnyEvent and Class::StateMachine
- Salvador Fandiño (salva)
- English, 40 minutes
Anybody familiar with event driven programming knows how this paradigm leads easyly into spaghetti code that is difficult to debug and maintain.
- YAPC::Europe 2013 Talks Announcements
- Andrey Shitov (ash)
- English, 20 minutes
20 minutes available for all the conference speakers to present their talks.
- YAPC::Europe 2014 Venue Announcement
- Anton Berezin (Grrrr), Telia Denmark
- English, 10 minutes
Announcing the host city of the YAPC::Europe 2014.
- ZeroMQ
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- English, 40 minutes
ZeroMQ is "sockets on steroids", and we're currently starting to use it to let our various programs (from cron-job to Catalyst/OX) talk with each other, and with us. This talk will offer a short description of 0MQ itself, the low-level Perl bindings, some abstraction layers we (until then) have hopefully built & released, and some use-cases for our code base
- eCommerce Innovation Conference 2013
- Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Stefan Hornburg
- English, lightning
The conference focuses on Open Source software and
- oEmbed - hassle-free embedding of third party media content
- Kerstin Puschke (titanoboa), XING AG
- English, 20 minutes
oEmbed is an open format for embedding third-party media content like videos, pictures or tweets into your web application. It standardizes the process of turning a URL into an embeddable representation of the content. OEmbed APIs are provided – among others - by YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, SlideShare and Twitter. [...]
- perl 5 + moose = perl 7
- StrayTaoist
- English, 20 minutes
perl6 has caused perl5 an issue, in that in the Real World(tm), employers want to shrink any usage of perl 5, given it is perceived as 'dying'.
- perl 5 is to Shakespeare as p3rl6 is to txtspk lol
- StrayTaoist
- English, 20 minutes
There are, of course, changes in the syntax between perl 5 and Perl6. Obviously. Some are for the better, some will take getting used to. What will become of our favoured idioms? We don't want to end up like middle-aged parents tutting at their childrens' txtspk, but we want to stay cool without having to write k3wl.
- progress report on leap seconds
- Zefram .
- English, 40 minutes
Leap seconds survived their attempted assassination at the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference, and in the aftermath the debate has widened. It is now recognised that programming libraries have a vital role to play in handling time scales in the future. [...]
- sending test reports through cpanm
- Breno Oliveira (garu)
- English, lightning
We all know and love CPAN Testers, but it's a cpanm world now, so how on earth can we submit test reports with it?
- snaked: pure perl cron replacement
- Petya Kohts
- English, 20 minutes
This is a story of snaked: pure Perl cron replacement developed and used in the sysadmin department of the biggest Russian Internet company in wild production (tens of thousands of servers) for last 3 years roughly, presented by its author.
- the real inescapeable Kephra talk
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)
- English, lightning
- use perl or die;
- Stefan Seifert (Nine), Atikon Holding GmbH
- English, lightning
Richard Jelinek made a great case for eating our own dogfood and use Perl applications. It's been a while since it was natural to use Perl web applications. Most of what you find is a decade old and unmaintained.
- why timezones are difficult
- Zefram .
- English, 40 minutes
Confusion reigns in the realm of wall clocks! Convention dictates that clocks read differently in different locations, the rules change every year, and computers are obliged to cope. This talk will explain how we got to this mess, how messy it actually is (which is messier than you think), and how computer programs (and programmers) can avoid bemuddlement. [...]
- Design decisions on p2
- Reini Urban (rurban)
- English, 70 minutes
With p2 I plan to parse and execute perl5 asis.