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Testing, what for?
By Patrick Mevzek
Date: Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: cpantesters pbp test
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
This presentation is neither an introduction to Perl tests, nor a full tutorial.
Instead it tries to show some real examples and benefits of doing tests (both unit tests and cover tests), with two separate use cases, one on a big pile of legacy code and another based on a CPAN distribution. We will discuss multiple tools, such as various Test::* modules, Perl Best Practices, Devel::Cover, perlbrew, cpantesters reports, etc…
- H.Merijn Brand (Tux)
- Petya Kohts
- bulk 88
- Konstantin Uvarin
- Mike Eve
- Todd Rinaldo (toddr)
- Patrick Mevzek
- Fabian Zimmermann (fobs)
- Denis Banovic (@bano99)
- Oleksii Tsvietnov (vorakl)
- Jan Seidl (JaSei)
- Vladimir Kaydalin
- Dmitriy Chernenko (DiAmon)
- Tomáš Ciml
- Andrey Kosachenko (silent)
- Elena Bolshakova (helena)
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- Alex Balhatchet (Kaoru)
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- Anatolii Kochurkov (morphi)
- Francoise Dehinbo (franky)
- Yulia Zasorina
- Theo van Hoesel (vanHoesel)
- Ekaterina Boguslavskaya