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By Thomas Klausner (domm) from,
Date: Tuesday, 13 August 2013 10:20
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: anyevent async messaging sockets zeromq
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
ZeroMQ is "sockets on steroids", and we're currently starting to use it to let our various programs (from cron-job to Catalyst/OX) talk with each other, and with us. This talk will offer a short description of 0MQ itself, the low-level Perl bindings, some abstraction layers we (until then) have hopefully built & released, and some use-cases for our code base.
Attended by:- Panu Ervamaa (pnu)
- Jan Seidl (JaSei)
- Thomas Klausner (domm)
- Steven Manschot (sman)
- Denis Boyun
- Moritz Lenz (moritz)
- Dmitry Latin
- Tomáš Ciml
- Stefan Hornburg (Racke)
- Job van Achterberg (jkva)
- Elena Bolshakova (helena)
- Victor Savinov
- David Lowe
- Viktor Turskyi (koorchik)
- Michal Trs
- Tom Hukins
- Piers Cawley (pdcawley)
- David Leadbeater (dg)
- Gligan Horea (Horea)
- Jan Gehring (jfried)
- Reini Urban (rurban)
- Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue)
- Plesco Natalia (natasha)
- Sergey Yablonskiy
- Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)