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Agile Companies Go P.O.P.
By Curtis Poe (Ovid)
Date: Tuesday, 13 August 2013 12:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: agile
Agile companies aren't just about XP, Scrum or Kanban. It's like saying your powerful V8 engine is a car. Agile companies are about P.O.P.: People, Organization, and Process.
This isn't a technical talk, it's a business talk. Far too often we think about technical considerations, but since most of us work for a living, we should think about business considerations, too. Many people have told me that this talk has changed the way they think about business. If your business is struggling to deliver, this may not be the talk you want, but it may be the talk you need.
- Curtis Poe (Ovid)
- Fabian Zimmermann (fobs)
- Leon Brocard (acme)
- Ilya Chesnokov (ichesnokov)
- Dave Cross (davorg)
- Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim)
- Todd Rinaldo (toddr)
- Moritz Lenz (moritz)
- Nicholas Clark
- Tadeusz Sośnierz (tadzik)
- Lars Thegler (tagg)
- Dmitry Latin
- Ennio Zarlenga (ennio)
- Christian Karg (odrm)
- Sergei Mozhaisky (technix)
- Tom Hukins
- Denis Boyun
- Miquel Ruiz (mruiz)
- Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)
- ribasushi +1
- Patrick Mevzek
- Tudor Constantin
- Lukas Mai (mauke)
- Jan Henning Thorsen (batman)
- Kerstin Puschke (titanoboa)
- Denis Banovic (@bano99)
- Tomasz Czepiel (tjmc)
- Rafael Porres Molina
- Anton Berezin (Grrrr)
- Stefan Seifert (Nine)
- Iaroslav Poliakov
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- Stanislav Chernogritskii
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- Snorri Briem
- Michael Bochkaryov (Rattler)
- Aleksander Ovcharenko
- Job van Achterberg (jkva)
- Jesper Dalberg
- Mallory van Achterberg (Stomme poes)
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- David Lowe
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- Alex Balhatchet (Kaoru)
- Chris Hughes
- Savio Dimatteo (darksmo)
- Alexander Nalivayko (nal)
- David Leadbeater (dg)
- Yury Pats (false)
- Dmitry Karasik (McFist)
- Vladimir Barvenko
- Gligan Horea (Horea)
- Anatolii Kochurkov (morphi)
- David Faux
- Leandr Khaliullov (Leandr)
- J. Nick Koston (bdraco)
- Sergiy Borodych (bor)
- Sergey Zubovich
- Dmitry Gutorkin (MDn)
- Dmitry Kopytov
- Alexey Skorikov (bitman)
- Plesco Natalia (natasha)
- Stanislav Poussep (Stas)
- Jason Clifford
- Олексій Радецький (rad)
- Ahti Nurminen (ade)
- Andy Jones
- Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue)
- Jan Seidl (JaSei)
- Sergey Yablonskiy
- Marc Egea i Sala (meis)