
‎50 CPAN modules developed in 2 years; my experience as a developer in Japan’s Perl Community‎
Masayuki Matsuki
English, 20 minutes
In this talk I’ll be sharing some of my personal experience developing CPAN modules as a part of the Japanese Perl community and also talking about some Perl web development trends in Japan.
‎Ad-Hoc OLAP databases with Yertl and SAP HANA‎
Radek Kotowicz, Ariba/SAP
English, 20 minutes
As OLTP systems operate it often turns out that there is a need for some reporting features that were not initially planned or that the existing ones cannot work efficiently due to OLTP design implications. Enterprises sometime require the availability of large amount of data to report on but on other occasions it is sufficient to provide efficient reporting option against a few-quarters-old data. [...]
‎Adventures in CGI (dot pm)‎
Lee Johnson, Humanstate
English, lightning
This talk aims to give an overview of recent changes in and some lessons learned from maintaining the module; including, but not limited to: github, pull-requests, legacy cruft, test coverage, RT, vendor module management, silence and noise.
‎All your gauge are belong to us - Perl::Formance is back!‎
Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎), Kernkonzept GmbH
English, 20 minutes
Don't speculate! Benchmark!
‎AmuseWiki, a library-oriented wiki‎
Marco Pessotto (‎melmothx‎)
English, 20 minutes
Amusewiki is a new library-oriented wiki engine which focuses on long-term archiving and high-quality output formats. It's written in Perl using Catalyst, Template Toolkit, DBIx::Class and a bunch of home-brewed modules. The texts are stored under revision control using Git.
‎An exposition of the JIT‎
Bart Wiegmans (‎brrt‎)
English, 50 minutes
For two years in a row I've been working on the MoarVM JIT compiler. When I started the whole concept was mysterious to me. But JIT compilation is a rich an interesting topic at the intersection of two very different approaches to computation. [...]
‎Announcing a new perl5 variant‎
Reini Urban (‎rurban‎)
English, lightning
cperl - a perl5 with classes, types, compilable, company friendly
‎Auditing Perl code for vulnerabilties: A step by step example‎
John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎), cPanel
English, 50 minutes
This talk will go step by step through the process of auditing a CPAN module for security vulnerabilities. We'll focus on translating basic principles into concrete findings and develop proof of concept exploits to go along with the findings
‎Auto-scaling a heavy teaching load‎
Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎), Geekuni
English, 20 minutes
My goal with this talk is that you'll see how easy it is to implement e-learning materials for programming courses - and why you should.
‎Barcelona perl workshop 2015‎
Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎), Freekeylabs SL
English, lightning
Presentation of the upcoming Barcelona perl workshop
‎Build management with a dash of prolog‎
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎), Shadowcat Systems Limited
English, 50 minutes
A finely honed hatred of every systems tool I have to work with led me to
‎Building bridges - bringing Perl 5 and Perl 6 back together‎
Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎), Atikon Holding GmbH
English, 50 minutes
Perl 5 and Perl 6 are sister languages in the Perl family. Being sisters, you'd expect them to talk to each other all day long about pretty much everything. Sadly, quite the opposite is the case.
‎ - the only web framework we ever needed‎
Dotan Dimet (‎dotandimet‎), Evogene
English, lightning
> Wow, i watched until the end waiting for him to say that that was all a joke and
‎CSV in perl6‎
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎), Procura
English, 50 minutes
Can we port a heavily used perl5 module to perl6 keeping all the goodies it has?
‎Carmel: brand new way to manage CPAN dependencies‎
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (‎miyagawa‎)
English, 50 minutes
In this talk, I will introduce a new piece of software called Carmel, which allows you to manage CPAN dependencies in your application.
‎Come to the workshops, come to FOSDEM‎
Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎), WenZPerl BV
English, lightning
Workshops and conferences of next 9 month
‎Conference Driven Publishing‎
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎), Magnum Solutions Ltd.
English, 20 minutes
At the London Perl Workshop last year I got carried away and announced that I would write a book about modern Perl web programming. I promised that it would be ready by the next London Perl Workshop.
‎Convos - Better IRC‎
Jan Henning Thorsen (‎batman‎), Reisegiganten
English, lightning
Convos is a chat application that runs in your browser. It allows you to be persistently connected to IRC servers, where you can leave the office and open up the conversation on the bus without being disconnected.
‎Dancer: Getting to Hello World‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), Perceptyx
English, 20 minutes
When attempting to learn Dancer I ran into the problem that all the documentation started from "Here is a 'Hello World' script". But that was assuming many things were set up and configured and that just was not true, at least not on my server.
‎Data is Evil and Must Be Deleted‎
Michael Lush
English, 50 minutes
A light-heated meander through IT history explaining how and why ASCII can play nasty tricks and what can be done to detect and fix them.
‎Death to project documentation with eXtreme Programming‎
Alex Fernandez (‎alexfdz‎)
English, 50 minutes
How to connect the agile principle "Working software over comprehensive documentation" with eXtreme Programming values of Honest communication and Rapid feedback and practices as TDD, Continuous integration, Whole team and Small releases.
‎Decouple all the things: Asynchronous messaging keeps it simple‎
Kerstin Puschke (‎titanoboa‎), XING AG
English, 50 minutes
In a distributed architecture, it's often required to spread information about a master data update to several client apps. You can do this via REST, but if a client app is temporarily down or too busy to accept requests, it's going to miss the information. Adding a new client app requires changes to the master app. Asynchronous messaging helps to avoid such a tight coupling of components. [...]
‎Distributed Systems 102: CRDTs for Poets and Perl Hackers‎
Ben Tyler
English, 50 minutes
In which a humanities major reads a bunch of papers on distributed systems theory and attempts to explain them in plain language.
‎Exploring Linux Namespaces and Perl‎
Francisco Maseda
English, 20 minutes
Containers are a new technology that has been gaining importance in the mainstream industry in the past two years.
‎Featureless Features‎
Choroba, GoodData
English, 20 minutes
Use of some new Perl features can be turned on by the "feature" pragma - e.g. say, switch, state, signatures. Some other additions are turned on automatically in respective versions of Perl and are usually just mentioned in perldelta. I'll introduce Syntax::Construct, a module to explicitly declare which of the latter features a script's going to use. [...]
‎German Perl Workshop 2016 in Nuremberg‎
Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎)
English, lightning
The German Perl workshop is from 2016-03-09 until 2016-03-12 in Nuremberg. This is the 3rd workshop in the 10 years short history of the Erlangen Perl mongers.
‎Get Ready To Party!‎
Larry Wall (‎TimToady‎)
English, 50 minutes
...In this talk, Larry will explain that his relationship with Perl 5 and Perl 6 is much like that of J. R. R. Tolkien's relationship to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
‎Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.‎
Junichi Ishida (‎uzulla‎)
English, 20 minutes
In this talk, I'd like to introduce the audience to modules and tools that are heavily used in Japan, but not so much elsewhere.
‎Handling errors incidentally (no exceptions)‎
Lukas Mai (‎mauke‎), Jochen Schweizer Technology Solutions GmbH
English, 50 minutes
This talk goes over some problems with exception-based error handling and presents an alternative in the form of restartable exceptions (sort of) in the form of Worlogog::Incident and Worlogog::Restart. These modules bring ideas to Perl that were straight up stolen from Common Lisp's "condition" system
‎Homage to Perl‎
Xavier Noria (‎fxn‎)
English, 50 minutes
The Perl community and culture shaped fundamentally the developer I am today.
‎How to contribute to perl5 core‎
Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎)
English, 50 minutes
This talk will explain some things about how one can start contributing to perl5 core.
‎How to store passwords‎
Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎)
English, lightning
How to store password in 201
‎Introduction to Meta Object Protocol‎
Upasana Shukla (‎upasana‎),
English, 50 minutes
Two years ago, I received a grant from the GNOME Outreach Project for Women to work on Moose (an Object Oriented system written in Perl), I worked with two Moose experts as mentors and through the grant helped improve the internals of Moose.
Lee Johnson, Humanstate
English, lightning
A quick talk about JWT (JSON web tokens). What they are, why you would use them, their strength and weakness
‎Let's look at the covers‎
Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)
English, lightning
A glance over the covers of all the perl books ever published since 1991
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), Perceptyx
English, 50 minutes
‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), Perceptyx
English, 50 minutes
An­oth­er 9 Lig­htn­ing Talks and the Lig­htn­ing An­noun­ce­ments bet­ween them. See Day 1 for the rest of the de­scrip­tion. R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), Perceptyx
English, 50 minutes
An­oth­er 12 Lig­htn­ing Talks and the Lig­htn­ing An­noun­ce­ments between them. See Day 1 for the rest of the de­scrip­tion. R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎), Universidad de Granada
English, lightning
Helping your book writing using Perl might be just a case of using the same hammer for all nails or a genuine way of feeding back between two or your skills, or your procrastination reasons. Whatever.
‎Local server based Web Application‎ - such as the Slides-App will be used in this talk!‎
Yusuke Wada (‎yusukebe‎), Omoroki Inc.
English, 20 minutes
Let's make your local server based web application!
‎Locale-TextDomain-OO - What's going on?‎
Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎)
English, 20 minutes
The talk is about the state and the features of this internationalisation distribution. Starting with the history of this, I will present an overview and the goals. Later I describe some problems and the solutions with this distribution
‎May you live in interesting times‎
Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎)
English, 50 minutes
When people ask me how I know Perl 6 is going to rock, I explain it's because I already have a bunch of Perl 6 code in production.
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)
English, lightning
Measure::Everything is a rather new module on CPAN that aims to make it simple to record various stats. It is heavily inspired by (you might also call it "mostly stolen from") Log::Any.
‎Modern PERL‎
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎), Magnum Solutions Ltd.
English, lightning
PERL is that horrible language that script kiddies used to write formmail scripts and guestbooks back in the 1990s.
‎Modern web scraping‎
Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎)
English, 50 minutes
Web scraping is fun. It makes data accessible, works around API limits, and makes us feel like gods.
Abe Timmerman (‎abeltje‎)
English, lightning
I got inspired by David's talk...
‎Monitoring with Nagios and check_mk‎
Stefan Hornburg (‎Racke‎), Stefan Hornburg
English, 50 minutes
Monitoring is essential to ensure the integrity of your production systems. Lots of things can go wrong which you wouldn't notice otherwise. Disks fill up to the brim, ordering in your online shop doesn't work anymore or data exchange with other systems ceases to function. All of these result in money lost, upset employers and customers going to the competition.
‎My Journey to Information Retrieval‎
Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎), LINE Fukuoka
English, 20 minutes
I have been dive into the domain of "search" for the past few years, there are many interesting finding and experiences during this time.
Salvador Fandiño (‎salva‎)
English, 20 minutes
Net::SSH::Any is a little know module with lots of powerful features that anybody using SSH from Perl should know.
‎OAuth2 and Mojolicious‎
Lee Johnson, Humanstate
English, 20 minutes
A short talk to demonstrate OAuth2 support with Mojolicious, showing available modules/plugins to make this a bit easier. Broken up in to four parts:
‎Omnia a Distributed and Reactive Data Platform‎
Daniel Ortiz Esquivel (‎dortizesquivel‎), William Hill
English, 20 minutes
In William Hill we decided to build the “new stack” for customer data-driven business, it has been an aggressive adoption of complimentary distributed frameworks that play very nicely with the key Reactive tenets of Spark together with Scala, Akka and Cassandra, and make the company’s data platform Reactive all the way through. Each technology assumes a different role that compliments the others. [...]
‎On International Community Relations‎
Daisuke Maki (‎lestrrat‎), HDE Inc
English, lightning
YAPC::EU 201
‎OpenStreetMap for Perl Developers‎
Tom Hukins, Except One
English, 50 minutes
OpenStreetMap creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. Despite its name, OSM offers much more than a map of streets.
‎Optimize Perl5 code for performance freaks.‎
Kenta Sato (‎karupanerura‎)
English, 20 minutes
No reason. We just need code that makes processing faster!
‎Painting with Onions‎
Marc Egea i Sala (‎meis‎), CAPSiDE
English, 20 minutes
Architecturing CSS is hard. We (usually) don't treat CSS as part of the codebase and this leads to a lack of tools and patterns to build big site's styles.
‎Panel Discussion: Growing the Perl community‎
Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎), Geekuni
English, 50 minutes
See here
‎Parallelism, Concurrency, and Asynchrony in Perl 6‎
Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎), WenZPerl BV
English, 50 minutes
What's the difference between parallel and concurrent? How does asynchrony relate to them? What sorts of solutions fit what sorts of problems? And how do these solutions look in Perl 6? Come along to this session to find out!
‎Perl Community Backchannels Session‎
Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), (None)
English, 50 minutes
The Perl Community is fortunate to have a strong foundation of volunteers for organizing events. We're called "The Perl Mongers", and you can find us all over the world.
‎Perl QA Hackathon 2015‎
Tina Müller (‎tinita‎)
English, lightning
I will give a short report about the Perl QA Hackathon 2015 which took place from April 16-19 in Berlin
‎Perl and PDF‎
Prabhakar Somu
English, 50 minutes
Learn how to dynamically generate PDF files from scratch using Perl and PDF modules. Layout text, embed images, barcodes, play with fonts and graphics - all programmatically. Learn to generate high quality, compressed, cross-platform PDFs that can be presented on the browser
‎Perl at Geneva Courts of Law : recent developments‎
Laurent Dami (‎dami‎), Etat de Genève, Pouvoir Judiciaire
English, 20 minutes
Geneva Courts of Law have been using Perl for more than 10 years, as the main application platform for case handling, document production, interfaces with other information systems, etc. This talk will give a historical overview, and then focus on the most recent developments : data migration to Oracle, barcodes for integration with Swiss Post, progressive migration to Moose
‎Perl in your Pocket‎
Max Maischein (‎Corion‎)
English, 20 minutes
Every second smartphone uses Google Android. The OS is also available for tablets and set top boxes.
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)
English, lightning
i just started a new kind of Perl tutorial. so i just report the idea to motivate imitators for enriching the docs landscap
‎Physical to Cloud: Cultural and mindset changes‎
Alba Ferrer (‎alba‎), CAPSiDE
English, 50 minutes
An overview on how Cloud Computing is a radical change from traditional computing both for sysadmins and developers. We'll see some techniques on how to make the most of the cloud to create more efficient, maintainable and scalable applications at both infrastructure and code levels
‎Picture of the Day‎
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)
English, 20 minutes
This year I'm shooting one photo per day and publish it on my website and Twitter. This involves a lot of boring steps.
‎Platform incompatibilities‎
Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎), MARKOV Solutions
English, 50 minutes
Writing Perl in a platform independent way is not too hard (certainly compared to other languages), but sometimes you want to do platform specific things.
‎Plotting History‎
Florence Okoye
English, 20 minutes
The talk will explore the development of an interactive history web app created using the Meteor.js framework, the Google Maps JavaScript API and Mongodb as well as javascript data visualisation libraries, providing a spatial visualisation of historical events, both national and on the local scale. [...]
‎Postal Codes, Polygons, Perl and Poetry‎
Ervin Ruci (‎eruci‎), Geolytica inc
English, 20 minutes
A few lines of perl code at work since 2005, have created a free version of a clo$ed database via crowdsourcing. 1 million polygons 10 years in the making of the perfect free Canadian postal code polygon data set
‎Problems and advantages in automatization all infrastucture related tasks in ISP‎
Naim Shafiyev (‎shafiev‎), Azedunet
English, 20 minutes
In this talk we will talk about main pitfalls ,problems and advantages in middle-size ISP which have collected in the last years. "How and why not like this" this is it main questions and answers in this talk
‎Recruitment in Perl - State of the Perl Market 2‎
Rick Deller (‎PerlRick‎), Eligo Recruitment
English, 20 minutes
This is a follow on from the talk I gave in Sofia - its been 12 months and how has the Market changed, How can a candidate market themselves and also what can a can company do to make themselves more appealing, a real insight into the Perl recruitment market
‎Sandboxing Perl code with Linux Containers‎
Peter Makholm (‎brother‎)
English, 50 minutes
Running code from untrusted sources inside your application is risky. Even the most well-intended code can mess up the internals of your application and malicious code can compromise your system.
‎Sereal and its tooling‎
Ivan Kruglov
English, 20 minutes
Sereal is a schema-less, cross-language binary serialization protocol aiming to replace Storable in Perl. It natively handles almost all Perl data structures including “special" ones such as aliases, weakrefs, regexps and cyclic references. [...]
‎Sharding a database‎
English, 20 minutes
When an organization grows, the database(s) it may reach a point
‎Snakes for Camels‎
Miquel Ruiz (‎mruiz‎), Facebook Inc.
English, 20 minutes
This talk will give a Python 101 oriented to intermediate and advanced Perl programmers, focusing on the differences and similarities between both languages
‎Social rules‎
Salvador Fandiño (‎salva‎)
English, lightning
We have social rules
‎SoftetherVPN as ready for use for programmers and etc‎
Naim Shafiyev (‎shafiev‎), Azedunet
English, lightning
In this talk i will try to note about this really good product to solve problem like this(only http and https port) and give cloud free vpn service
‎Something About Web Analytics‎
Your Name Here
English, lightning
It'll be about web analytics. It'll be completely non-technical. It'll be awesome.
‎State of the [Art] Velociraptor‎
Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎)
English, 50 minutes
In the State of the Velociraptor we take a look at the community, our projects, our progress, our frills and thrills, our current state, and looking towards our future
‎Static Code Analysis For Perl‎
Taiki Kawakami (‎moznion‎)
English, 20 minutes
Statically typed languages are on the rise these days.
‎Stupid systems tricks‎
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎), Shadowcat Systems Limited
English, lightning
A few tales of crazy things I've done in production to keep things working; originally written to traumatise a UK sysadmin conference
‎Swagger integration with Mojolicious‎
Jan Henning Thorsen (‎batman‎), Reisegiganten
English, 20 minutes
This talk will give an introduction to Swagger and how you can build Mojolicious applications with the Swagger spec.
‎Teaching and Learning Perl - what I got from "Perl Entrance"‎
Takayuki Fukumoto (‎papix‎)
English, 20 minutes
In this talk, I'd like to tell you some details about a studying Perl seminar for beginners, named "Perl Entrance", which we have held in Japan a few times.
‎The Cult of Done Manifesto‎
Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎)
English, lightning
A brief look at The Cult of Done Manifesto ( and what it means to me
‎The Intersection of Code and Art‎
Stevan Little (‎stevan‎),
English, 50 minutes
The act of computer programming often involves the use of creativity to do things such as; solve problems, design APIs and architect solutions. Can we then infer that the use of creativity during the act means that the produced result is a piece of art? Of course not, but does that mean that code itself cannot be viewed in an aesthetic light? Can code be art? For that matter, what is art?
‎The Long Journey‎
Theo van Hoesel (‎vanHoesel‎), THEMA-MEDIA
English, lightning
My first YAPC was in 2013, Kiev and was sponsored by the community - through the Send-a-Newbie program.
‎The art of scraping‎
Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎), Freekeylabs SL
English, 50 minutes
In this talk I'll explore different technics for web crawling and scraping on the wild using several perl and some other tools, but mostly using Mojo::UserAgent and Mojo::Dom.
‎Turning Points‎
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎), All Around The World
English, 50 minutes
In the history of various arts, there have been turning points in expression which have, in turn, led to perceptual changes. The shift from Victorian to modern poetry at the beginning of the 20th century led to more open and free verse and a shift from controlling nature to embracing it. [...]
‎Using Genetic Algorithms in Sound Synthesis‎
Uri Bruck
English, 50 minutes
Genetic algorithms is a search heuristic that uses concepts from natural evolution to find solutions to problems. We'll take a look at how genetic algorithms can be used to figure out how to synthesize a sound, given a sample, and at a Perl implementatio
‎Using the new compiler in production‎
Reini Urban (‎rurban‎)
English, 20 minutes
cPanel was using B::C with perl 5.6 for over 10 years successfully. Recently we switched to the new compiler and 5.14.4.
‎Veure MMORPG Update‎
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎), All Around The World
English, lightning
People have been asking me about the status of Veure, the text-based MMORPG I'm writing in Perl. Well, there's lots of great news I can share
‎Waking up with Perl 6‎
Paul Cochrane (‎ptc‎)
English, lightning
How to use Perl 6 as a simple alarm clock when other technologies fail
‎War stories: programming in the field of medieval history‎
Tara Andrews (‎aurum‎)
English, 50 minutes
In this talk I will cover the use of Perl for some humanistic (and occasionally, arguably, artistic) pursuits: that is, investigating medieval history and the texts that carry that history. Alongside the sorts of war stories that cropped up in the medieval Near East, I'll share my experiences writing software in a land where development almost always stops with the demo
‎Warm and fuzzy text matching‎
Maxim Vuets (‎mvuets‎)
English, 50 minutes
I had a problem: got two somewhat-structured music playlists that were overlapping and I wanted to merge them together.
‎Web development using Perl 6‎
Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎), Perl Training and contract development
English, 20 minutes
An introduction to Bailador, the light-weight web framework of Perl 6
‎Web scraping for book information‎
Radek Kotowicz, Ariba/SAP
English, lightning
Polish National Library owns 2.8m books published after 1901. Electronic catalog covers roughly 50% of that. On eBay/Allegro/Swistak there are just now 4m+ books. Can we use that to fill the gap
‎Webshopping with Catalyst & AngularJS in Cloud‎
Jussi Kinnula (‎Spot‎), Frantic
English, 50 minutes
There are a lot of good Open Source apps to create webshops, and there is good ERP/CRM integration already done on many commercial products. Why do we need yet another webshop?
‎What I look for when recruiting Perl developers‎
Jason Clifford
English, 20 minutes
Since November 2014 I've been spending a lot of my time on recruitment and my main target is Perl developers.
‎What the Cult of Expertise Costs‎
Jessica Rose
English, 50 minutes
Experts, senior developers, thought leaders – software development is obsessed with the idea of expertise. As individuals we aim to present ourselves as experts while companies fight to employ visible experts and present their brand as most knowledgeable. [...]
‎What to do to make my modules portable‎
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎), Procura
English, lightning
What actions and modules can I use to make my CPAN module work on as many platforms as possible on as many perl releases as possible without people complaining it doesn't work on their system.
‎Whatever, or How I Stopped Worrying and Fell in Love with Perl 6 Operators‎
John Haltiwanger (‎ab5tract‎)
English, 20 minutes
The * operator is not only a multi-faceted magic spell that (for the uninitiated at least) lends confusion to any example utilizing it ... it is also a clearly delineated compiler transform! This talk cannot promise to make you fall in love with the expression ‘my $biggener = * * * * *’, but it may just convince you that such an expression is something of a modern marvel of programming.
‎Why Perl 5 {is, isn't} a Scheme‎
Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎)
English, 50 minutes
A comparison between the seemingly-different languages of Perl 5 and Scheme, looking at where they are similar and where they diffe
‎Writing Paws: a Perl AWS SDK‎
Jose Luis Martinez Torres (‎JLMARTIN‎), CAPSiDE
English, 50 minutes
Perl was lacking a complete SDK for all of AWSs' services.
‎Writing Plack Middleware made simple‎
Jason Clifford
English, 50 minutes
A gentle introduction to Plack Middleware and how to write it.
‎Writing tutorials for‎
Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎), UPC BarcelonaTech
English, 20 minutes is an interactive Perl tutorials website that maybe you have even tried eventually, but do you know how to write a tutorial for it? Let me explain to you the internals of the tutorials so you can write them too
‎YAPC::Asia Tokyo Behind The Scenes, Or How We Organize A Conference For 2000 Attendees‎
Daisuke Maki (‎lestrrat‎), HDE Inc
English, 50 minutes
Slides with notes:
‎YAPC::EU::2016 @ Cluj-Napoca‎
Mihai Pop
English, lightning
Short description + 2 videos about what it's going to be next year at YAPC::E
‎YEF - a Turning Point‎
Anton Berezin (‎Grrrr‎), Telia Denmark
English, lightning
YEF is the YAPC::Europe Foundation.
‎compare-git-versions: A Simple Development Tool for Refactoring and Benchmarking‎
James E Keenan (‎kid51‎)
English, 20 minutes
This presentation will show an easy way to measure performance improvements in library code against earlier versions of the same code.
‎event loop chat in perl6 / perl 5‎
Ben Tyler
English, lightning
comparing IO::Select in perl5 to react/whenever in perl6 for implementing a super tiny chat server (telnet/netcat client)
‎functional Perl 6‎
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)
English, 50 minutes
Having fun explaining a bit more than the basics of functional programming and how the syntax and implementation is done in Perl 6 - sometimes comparing it with Perl 5
‎qué les hablas mi lenguaje‎
Theo van Hoesel (‎vanHoesel‎), THEMA-MEDIA
English, 20 minutes
REST api's are perfectly well designed to GET information from a server. With Content Negotiation, one can even let the server know what format the data should be represented, json, xml, html, or any other. It also allows the client to specify what language it accepts the data returned.
‎uWSGI for PSGI apps deployments‎
Roberto De Ioris
English, 50 minutes
uWSGI is a project aimed at implementing a full stack for hosting web applications (independently by the language). It exposes a PSGI plugin for running perl apps since its first releases.The talk will introduce the main uWSGI features and how to use them for scaling, managing multiple apps and to cooperate with technologies like Coro and AnyEven