Building bridges - bringing Perl 5 and Perl 6 back together

50 minutes



Perl 5 and Perl 6 are sister languages in the Perl family. Being sisters, you'd expect them to talk to each other all day long about pretty much everything. Sadly, quite the opposite is the case.

The languages are incompatible. They have different syntax, different module ecosystems, different users. Due to their radically different upbringing, they never really learned to talk to each other, despite their parents always envisioning them to to so. In the year when Perl 6 reaches maturity this vision is finally taking form.

In this talk you will learn how Perl 5 and Perl 6 found a way to talk and to share and how you can use that to leverage the best parts of both languages. And hopefully, you will realize, that together, we are a lot stronger. 

[ Abstract - Talk ]