User information

Ms. Alberte Thegler


Attending talks

‎Picture of the Day‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
‎Dancer: Getting to Hello World‎
‎Recruitment in Perl - State of the Perl Market 2‎
‎Conference Driven Publishing‎
‎Great Tools Heavily Used In Japan, You Don't Know.‎
‎Static Code Analysis For Perl‎
‎Local server based Web Application‎ - such as the Slides-App will be used in this talk!‎
‎OAuth2 and Mojolicious‎
‎Data is Evil and Must Be Deleted‎
‎The Intersection of Code and Art‎
‎50 CPAN modules developed in 2 years; my experience as a developer in Japan’s Perl Community‎
‎CSV in perl6‎
‎Auditing Perl code for vulnerabilties: A step by step example‎
‎Modern web scraping‎
‎Writing tutorials for‎
‎Sharding a database‎
‎Perl in your Pocket‎
‎Exploring Linux Namespaces and Perl‎
‎Sandboxing Perl code with Linux Containers‎
‎Perl at Geneva Courts of Law : recent developments‎
‎OpenStreetMap for Perl Developers‎
‎Perl and PDF‎
‎Webshopping with Catalyst & AngularJS in Cloud‎
‎Decouple all the things: Asynchronous messaging keeps it simple‎
‎My Journey to Information Retrieval‎
‎Teaching and Learning Perl - what I got from "Perl Entrance"‎
‎Handling errors incidentally (no exceptions)‎
‎Turning Points‎
‎compare-git-versions: A Simple Development Tool for Refactoring and Benchmarking‎
‎What I look for when recruiting Perl developers‎
‎Monitoring with Nagios and check_mk‎
‎Building bridges - bringing Perl 5 and Perl 6 back together‎
‎Using Genetic Algorithms in Sound Synthesis‎
‎Auto-scaling a heavy teaching load‎
‎Physical to Cloud: Cultural and mindset changes‎
‎Warm and fuzzy text matching‎
‎Web development using Perl 6‎
‎All your gauge are belong to us - Perl::Formance is back!‎
‎Sereal and its tooling‎
‎War stories: programming in the field of medieval history‎
‎Get Ready To Party!‎
‎Parallelism, Concurrency, and Asynchrony in Perl 6‎