Sponsor the 17th German Perl Workshop

Perl is an open source programming language and one of the world's most-used languages. However, there are very few qualified Perl programmers available on the German job market. The workshop is a non-profit conference taking place every year in a different city. It is organised by the Perl community.
Your sponsoring is going to benefit potential employees. There are numerous Perl professionals taking part in this event to exchange ideas and experiences, find new challenges and talk about new developments in the realm of Perl. Most of the participants take part of their own volition and on their own dime.
Any financial support by you helps us to offer them an improved workshop experience.

Support the 17th German Perl Workshop as a sponsor. Below we have listed a few options. Naturally, we can also come to mutually beneficial agreement on different terms. The prices quoted include VAT. Each option includes the contents of the lower classes. Our website will display all sponsor logos with a link to their respective site. Flyers can be laid out in the foyer. Mention in the conference proceedings (printed or electronic). Mention during opening keynote. Every new sponsor will be announced on the conference website.

  1. Starting at 200 EUR: short description of the company/organisation on the website. The conference bag will include a flyer.
  2. Starting at 350 EUR: Poster(s) at the venue (foyer)
  3. Starting at 500 EUR: a half-page ad in the proceedings, poster in conference room. After contract signing the sponsor will be announced on www.perl-community.de and blogs.perl.org.
  4. Starting at 1000 EUR: full-page ad, one free conference ticket. An info booth (only a limited number available!).
  5. Starting at 5000 EUR: a three second promo clip before the video of each talk (will be available online)

Individual options that can be sponsored in whole or in part:

The proceedings contain talk abstracts or descriptions. The speakers can hand them in until April 5th 2015. The proceedings are meant to give the participants an overview of the upcoming talks and to provide links as well as further reading material for those talks.