YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Day minus 2. YAPC in the city

10/08/13 23:30 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Dear YAPC::Europe 2013 attendees,

The conference starts on Monday but the first activities related with the conference take place already tomorrow.

More and more people arrives to Kiev, and if you are in the centre you might meet Perl people on street. Some of them wear T-shirts from the previous Perl events like YAPCs and local Perl hackathons.

If you happened to arrive to Borispil airport in the afternoon you probably have suffered from a substantial delays because of the enormous crowds before the passport control and in the baggage claim area. We hope that that is the only negative experience you could have during your journey.

If you stay in the Dnipro hotel and would like to hang out with people, try finding them either in the lobby or in Munich bar on the 4th floor.

Tomorrow we open a day with the Perl 6 hackathon which takes place in the Byzantium conference room of Dnipro hotel. This event starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m., one our before the next event, the pre-confernece meeting starting at 7 p.m. See more details (address and some pictures for easy recognition) in our recent newsletter.
