Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Time Lecture Theatre 1 Lecture Theatre 2 Room 1 Workshop Room 1 Workshop Room 2
09:00 ‎Opening Speech‎ (6 min)
09:10 Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎) - ‎Why Perl 5 {is, isn't} a Scheme‎ (50 min, English) 15 Michael Jemmeson (‎michael‎) - ‎Making a mockery - test mocking and method fixtures‎ (20 min, English) 24 Prabhakar Somu - ‎Perl and PDF‎ (50 min, English) 10 Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) - ‎Modern Perl Web Development‎ (110 min, ) 19 Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) - ‎Crash course on Perl, the Universe and Everything‎ (110 min, English) 5
09:40 Tom Hukins - ‎Escaping Insanity‎ (20 min, English) 26
10:10 Nigel Hamilton - ‎The Joy of Six‎ (50 min, English) 37 Rick Deller (‎PerlRick‎) - ‎Developing Your Brand - from a job seeker , Business to sole contractor/consultant‎ (50 min, English) 12 Maxim Vuets (‎mvuets‎) - ‎Processing toki pona with Perl‎ (50 min, English) 5
11:00 ‎Morning Coffee from Evozon‎ (30 min)
11:30 Aaron Crane (‎arc‎) - ‎Write-once data: writing Perl like Haskell‎ (50 min, English) 35 Neil Bowers (‎NEILB‎) - ‎Boosting community engagement with CPAN‎ (20 min, English) 20 Dominic Humphries (‎djh‎) - ‎From can to can't: An intro to functional programming‎ (80 min, English) 11 Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) - ‎Crash course on Perl, the Universe and Everything (2)‎ (70 min, English) 5
12:00 Smylers - ‎Don't Do That: Code Interface Mistakes to Avoid‎ (20 min, English) 30 Andrew Beverley - ‎Dancer2 system logging, user messages and exception handling without the hassle‎ (20 min, English) 5
12:30 Neil Bowers (‎NEILB‎) - ‎Dependencies and the River of CPAN‎ (20 min, English) 16 Zefram . - ‎the emperor's new programming language‎ (20 min, English) 40
12:50 ‎Lunch‎ (40 min)
13:30 Stevan Little (‎stevan‎) - ‎p5-mop-final-final-v5-this-is-the-last-one-i-promise.tar.gz‎ (50 min, English) 24 Leon Brocard (‎acme‎) - ‎Making your website seem faster‎ (20 min, English) 34 Dominic Humphries (‎djh‎) - ‎From can to can't: An intro to functional programming (2)‎ (40 min, English) 11 John Davies - ‎with Martin Berends - Parallel Processing Performed Properly in Perl on Pi (120 mins)‎ (60 min, English) 10
14:00 Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) - ‎How to grow a Perl team‎ (20 min, English) 16 gaah - ‎Man Publishing Pint‎ (20 min, English) 8
14:20 Christian Jaeger (‎pflanze‎) - ‎Functional Programming on Perl‎ (60 min, English) 21
14:30 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) - ‎A decade of dubious decisions‎ (50 min, English) 36 steve mynott (‎itz‎) - ‎Perl 6 Grammars‎ (20 min, English) 15
15:00 Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) - ‎Conference Driven Publishing‎ (20 min, ) 14
15:20 ‎Coffee Break sponsored by Perl Careers‎ (20 min)
15:40 DrForr - ‎From Regular Expressions to Parsing JavaScript: Learn Perl6 Grammars‎ (50 min, English) 44 Theo van Hoesel (‎vanHoesel‎) - ‎Dancer2 REST assured‎ (50 min, English) 19
16:35 Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎) - ‎The end of the beginning‎ (60 min, English) 63
17:40 ‎Lightning Talks‎ (50 min)
18:30 ‎Closing Event‎ (10 min)



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