Perl 6 Grammars

By steve mynott (‎itz‎) from
Date: Saturday, 12 December 2015 14:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: perl6

'p6tags' generates ctags for perl6 to allow tags use within editors such as vim and Atom.

It uses Perl 6 grammars and is available at

Attended by: steve mynott (‎itz‎), Sue Mynott (‎virtualsue‎), Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎), Eitan Schuler, vytas, Aaron Crane (‎arc‎), Wolfgang Schemmel (‎Perleone‎), Merlyn Kline, Tony Edwardson, DrForr, Mihai Pop, David Wickens, Christopher Hanna (‎Chad‎), Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎), Jasmine Ngan,



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