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Week minus 29. Call for speakers
22/01/13 01:27 by Andrey Shitov (ash)
To make a great conference, we need great talks. Today I'd like to encourage everybody to submit a talk to YAPC::Europe 2013. It's easy, just fill in a form on the conference site:
This year there will be three parallel talk tracks. We plan to start at 10 a.m. with a keynote (single-threaded) and finish at 6 p.m. with a lightning talk session (also single-threaded). The time in-between will be filled with talks, food and communication :-)
We offer four possible length of the talks: 20, 40, 60 and 120 minutes.
20 minutes are intended for introductory talks, where the speakers gives some basic information about the topic and assumes that the listeners would like to get an idea of a new technology, or some new usage pattern, or new ideas in some area.
40 minutes are for general purpose talks, and the speakers are expected to talk about a particular topic in detail.
60 minute talks are reserved for keynotes and in-depth talks. There are only a limited number of keynote slots and we expect to have well known speakers there.
In-depth talks are a kind of teaching class but shorter. The attendees coming to an in-depth talks should have strong intent to develop particular knowledge of technology. In exceptional cases we might allow 120 minutes for the talk of this kind.
On top of that we're planning to have three one-hour sessions of five-minute lightning talks. You may submit them using the same form.
While submitting a talk please specify as many details as you can, including the level of intended audience and tag list (so that the attendees can easily filter talks on the site). Would you like to leave comments for the organisers, there is a separate field there for you.
Talk submissions deadline is 1 July. Speaker notification date is 15 July. Final (well, close to final) schedule is expected to be published on 1 August.
In addition to the official dates above we will try to accept talks earlier if it will be obvious that the talk should appear in the schedule, and there's no need to wait any formal date.
I should also mention that all the accepted speakers (except those who give only lightning talk) attend the conference free of charge.
So, take the chance to attend the YAPC::Europe in Kiev for free and submit your talk now!