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Week minus 35. Extra activities
16/12/12 17:18 by Andrey Shitov (ash)
This week I didn't fix the countdown week counter but I think I will do it next time. This week Viacheslav (vti) was negotiating the contract with the venue, and I am happy to tell you that he managed to save a few thousand euros by reorganising the room configuration that was initially proposed. We did not lose any space, and we still have the big and nice concert hall, so no worries. Huge thanks to vti! We hope to sign the contract next week.
It is very likely that we will have no extra paid classes around the conference. But still, if you are reading this and would like to give a class, please contact us.
We'd like to organise a Speaker Training on the day before the conference for those who would like to polish, correct, or completely rewrite their slides to make them better and more useful. We are in contact with the trainer we want this training to lead, and we will share the details as soon as we have them. The training is supposed to be on Sunday morning.
Another activity, that we will organise before the conference, is the Perl 6 hackathon. Jonathan Worthington (jnthn) was very kind to agree leading it. This event is scheduled to Sunday 11th August, the day before the conference. We did a Perl 6 hackathon in Riga in 2011, and it was a nice event that not only let all the main people behind Perl 6 to gather together, but also was warm for the newcomers who wanted to get a deeper insight into Perl 6 development.
I would also like to host a Perl 5 hackathon in parallel with the Perl 6 one. Please contact us at if you would like to participate in it and what topics might be covered there. Unfortunately, I have no idea of the current Perl 5 internals and development processes there, so I am not the best person to plan this event.
For the hackaton(s) we will to reserve a room in the Dnipro hotel nearby the venue.
Next week: date announcement, site launch, call for speakers, and the start of selling tickets :-)