YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Week minus 43. Hotels

21/10/12 17:12 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Last week we talked about air tickets, thus let's talk about hotels now.

Basically, there are lots of hotels in Kiev with a wide price range. It's worth to spend some time to find the most appropriate variant for your needs. There are hotels and hostels in Kiev, or you may rent an apartment.

Our previous events in Kiev show that it's safe and reliable to rent a flat in Kiev, although you should know that before the EURO-2012 there appeared a number of fake or unreasonably expensive places. We hope it is now completely gone, but please be sure to double check if you are going to rent a flat with no reviews, contacts etc. As there are no more global EURO football events in Kiev in 2013, you may expect affordable prices for the hotels of all types.

You may explore the hotels in Kiev right now using our special page: yapc.travel/2013/ye2013. This page will become the official page of hotel reservations for the conference. We will make it better and more informative very soon. For now, click on the hotels to see their prices.


When we know the dates, you will be able to book the hotels from there via our future partner. We encourage you not to only explore the map but also book from that page so that we can raise some additional money for the conference. Although we are not going to propose a dedicated conference hotel with discounts, our plan is to negotiate with the partners so that you can pay minimum price available on internet for each of the hotels.

If can missed Yaroslav's introduction to Kiev during the YAPC::Europe in Frankfurt, please make sure you feel the spirit of Kiev from the following video which (and that's very handful for us) was made to promote the EURO 2012.

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