YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Day minus 1. Pre-conference stuff

12/08/13 00:20 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Dear YAPC::Europe attendees,

There were two events today, the Perl 6 hackathon and the pre-conference meeting. We had not chance yet to talk to the Perl 6 guys and ask them what did they do yesterday, we hope to do that later and hope they did a nice job and had a lot of -Ofun moments despite all the problems with the internet and the electricity in this part of the city.

The pre-conference meeting seemed to be bigger that we could predict and was a pleasant for all the participant. We occupied not only the whole second floor of the cafe but also a pub nearby.

So, now the main part of the conference starts. Tomorrow we begin at 10 with Larry's keynote just after a short intro to the conference and how it will go.

Don't be late, be on time :-) You may access the venue from 9 o'clock in the morning to get your T-shirt, your conference badge holder etc.

See you tomorrow!