YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Day minus 6. Tickets available

06/08/13 12:35 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Dear YAPC::Europe attendees,

Six days left before the conference (and even fewer before the pre-conference activity).

Today we have passed the level of 300 committed attendees. Which means there will be more than 300 people at the conference and even more on the boat during the river cruise!

We also enlarged the order that we made earlier for the pre-conference meeting. You are welcome to join.

The printing company said they have printed the welcome banner with logos of all the sponsors that made the conference easier to organise. We will collect it tomorrow.

We are answering more and more questions from the attendees about different bits connected with the conference, such as money in Ukraine, partner programme, hotels etc. Please refer to the conference wiki pages where you can find some useful information.

There's one new talk in the schedule, Perl and SSH, to replace one that was unexpectedly removed by the author. We would like to thank Salvador Fandiño for his readiness to give one more talk to fill this gap.

Finally, you can now print your conference badge which also serves a conference ticket. Print it at home, cut it along the gray line and you will get your own badge :-) We will have a pile of transparent plastic badge holders in the venue. If you cannot find the link to the conference ticket, this most probably means that you did not purchase the ticket yet.

See you soon in Kiev!