YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Day minus 7. We saved the world today

05/08/13 17:47 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Monday finds you like a bomb
That's been left ticking there too long,
You're Bleeding.

Seven days before the conference. And today was a day with hundreds of things we had to settle. There was a time two or three month ago when we thought that everything was done. Today it was quite opposite :-)

What did we do today? We discussed the details of the venue with the sponsors who will have their desks in the main hall. We did some payments for the venue and the river cruise. We made up a welcome banner with the sponsor logotypes. We ordered plastic holders for the badges. We started finalising the menu, because we have to report to the catering company the exact number of the attendees by Wednesday. We ordered a number of soft sitting places for the hall.

Once again, we fixed the schedule (and we will continue doing that) to ensure the balance between the number of the attendees of the talk and the room capacity. By the way, it's an interesting fact that the total duration of accepted talks is exactly 50 hours. 50 hours and 0 minutes.

To help you navigate among the talk we recommend you to read today's article by Dave Cross in Josetteorama with the preview of the conference.

See you very soon in Kiev!