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Week minus 7. Volunteers
07/07/13 15:37 by Andrey Shitov (ash)
Dear YAPC::Europe 2013 attendees and those who did not buy a ticket yet, :-)
Today we are pleased to introduce our volunteers. In June, a few guys from PortaOne company contacted us with their intent to help during the conference. Later same month, we received a similar request from Evozon, this time there were two ladies ready to help us with the organisational flow on site.
We are happy that this year it was so easy to find volunteers and there are so many of them (comparing to Riga in 2011 where there were much much fewer). We would like to thank them. All the people taking place in organising this year's conference are listed on the Organisers page.
What will the volunteers do? Their primary task is to help the speakers in the talk rooms, such as informing them about time left before they have to stop their talk. It is very important to keep the schedule firm, as we will have three parallel tracks and the attendees will move between the rooms. Also it will help the speakers to be more confident about how long they may speak, or should they let the audience ask questions.
A special thing with the volunteers from Evozon is that they are the part of the team who submitted a bid for hosting the YACP::Europe in 2014. The Venue Committee received three proposals: from Sofia (Bulgaria), Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Granada (Spain). We will announce which venue was selected in the first day of the conference, on 12 August 2013. Do not miss that part of the event!
See you very soon with more news about the conference.