YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Week minus 9. Talks, speakers and time

12/06/13 20:05 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Dear YAPC::Europe attendees,

The week countdown counter just turned to become a one digit value. It is only nine weeks left before the conference! Are you ready?

Today we talk about talks :-)

If you are going to give a talk at the conference (and thus get a free ticket) and still did not submit it consider doing that now: act.yapc.eu/ye2013/newtalk.

The deadline for talk submissions is 1 July (it is less than a month from today). We will notify all the speakers of whether their talks are accepted or not before 15 July. The final schedule will be ready on 1 August.

There are a few more news connected with the topic of this newsletter.

First of all, our Programming Committee is already working and you may consult it at any moment by e-mailing to talks@yapcrussia.org. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts about your talk, its title, theme, duration or whatever you might want to ask. You are also welcome to send us your slides if you want to ask us about its content or layout.

Secondly, we are glad to introduce you our four volunteers from PortaOne who will work in the talk rooms to help the speakers to agree with the conference schedule. You can find their faces on the conference site.

By the way, this time we will make the schedule in such a way that there are at least 10 minute gaps between adjacent talks. This decision is based on the feedback you gave us in Riga a couple of years ago.

Excited? We too. Come to Kiev!