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Weeks minus 15 and 14. Lurking in the hidden schedule
08/05/13 21:49 by Andrey Shitov (ash)
Dear YAPC::Europe attendees,
The beginning of May was a silent period as there were a number of holidays in a number of countries :-) and the activity of the sites users was also low. Anyway, today the conference statistics made a record and hit 100 committed attendees. Committed are those who bought a ticket or whose talk was accepted.
As of today, there are 243 registered people coming from 27 countries and 47 monger groups, and 101 committed users. We are looking forward to bigger numbers, which only make the conference better, as the YAPC is not only a set of technical talks but also a socialising and communication event. The conference in Europe is one of the few real chances to meed your online Perl pals (would it be IRC, or PM mailing lists, or sites like and make new friends.
To help you decide we will give a small extraction from behind the scene. Take a look at the talks that are submitted to us but are not yet approved. The official schedule publication date is 1 August. We will try to approve the best talks from as many speakers as possible. Some of them submitted more than one talk, which we appreciate very much. Would you like to participate, simply submit your talk now.
We've change the configuration of the site so that you can see all the talks submitted, weather they are accepted or not.
The list of talks is available onine
So, we wish you a pleasant reading. Don't forget that some talks are already accepted and are also visible in the schedule. See you next week!