YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev

YAPC::Europe 2013 “Future Perl”

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Week minus 19. Viewing the venue. Slide formats

01/04/13 00:01 by Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Dear YAPC::Europe 2013 attendees,

First of all, the Early bird price expired. The good news though is that only today you can buy a ticket using our Late bird special offer for only 100 €.

It looks like spring finally comes to Europe, so let us take a look at today's Kiev and see how to get to the venue from its central square. We hope you enjoy the city and already is looking forward to see it in August.

Slide formats

Let us also say a few words about the format of the presentation slides we expect the speakers to follow.

Generally, all the speakers come with their own laptop and we connect it to the projector in the talk room using a standard VGA connector. We kindly ask you to check if your laptop supports it. Please also test how it works when you connect external monitor. Sometimes the speakers spend time to find the right checkbox in their operation system settings only to share video on the second monitor. We will help you in the venue during the conference if we can.

We expect the slides to be in any format that works fine on your system and you are comfortable with. Would it be PowerPoint, or Apple Keynote, or Takahashi. You may prepare the slides to be displayed at 1024x768 pixels. Please try to make the slides contrast and avoid red colour on a dark background as it tends to escape from a projection.

Would you prefer to leave your laptop at home, please send us your presentation before the conference so that we know you will need a laptop during your talk.

Talks in the Main room

For those of you who are lucky to speak in the main room, we ask you to prepare your slides on a 35 mm film. It may be coloured or black and white. Main venue's equipment allows to use sound track along with the slides.

Please make sure you leave enough time for the questions. For example, if your talk is 20 minute long, try to stop at least after 15 minutes to allow a few minutes for the audience. You may prepare additional bonus slide though.

The frame has to have an aspect ratio of 1.37:1, with its size of 22 mm by 16 mm (so called Academy format). As an exception we will accept the slides in widescreen format (1.85:1). Please let us know about this before the talk as we will have to adjust the curtains on the stage.

New media partner

We are also happy to announce our new media partner, who will be able to help with developing films with your slides. Welcome Peer Vision Ltd.

You may leave your film at one of the Peer Vision's office in Europe. They will process them and bring to Kiev for your.

Yksisuuntainen katu, 92
FI-00101 Helsinki

3. Einbahnstraße, 14
10249 Berlin

Una calle de Sentido, 75
28311 Madrid


Please do not hesitate to contact us at mail@yapcrussia.org if you have any questions about your talk. We are happy to help you and we really want to make this year's conference successful.

See you next week with more details about the YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev.

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