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Week minus 20. The principles behind the schedule
29/03/13 00:03 by Andrey Shitov (ash)
Dear YAPC::Europe 2013 attendees,
Let us share some basic information about how we will be compiling the schedule for the conference.
During the main conference days, namely, Monday 12th through Wednesday 14th August there will be three talk threads every day. One of the tracks will go in the big room where all the attendees can gather at the same time. This is the biggest room in the venue with almost 500 seats in it.
Every day will be opened at 10 o'clock in the main room. First come some hot news about the conference and its flow, then a keynote from one of our best speakers.
After that we continue with three parallel tracks and do it until about 5 o'clock in the evening, when a session of lightning talks starts. There will be three sessions, one hour each, all in the main room. You may submit a lightning talk now.
There will be a number of 30 second slots between lightning talks so that you have a chance to make your small announcements.
During the day there will be two 30-minute coffee breaks and one-hour lunch. Catering will be organised in the venue, so that you will not be lost in the city trying to find a place to have meal at.
Based on the feedback you gave us in Riga in 2011, we will make the pauses between the talks 10 minute long. This will allow you to find the room without any rush. Should you have time to choose the next talk you attend, you'll have a few additional minutes to do that.
The talks itself will all start and finish at the same time, so people will not interrupt any ongoing talks if they want to join after another talk ends. This does not apply to longer talks though, like the ones with tutorials or mini master classes, which can be up to one hour long.
If you have any comments and wishes about the flow of the conference, please do not hesitate to send them to us at Please do it before the conference, not after it :-)
Let us also remind you that we are waiting for more submitted talks. Please add your talk online as soon as possible.
Also remember that the Early bird price expires in a couple of days. Do not wait, buy your conference ticket now.
In the next newsletter we will show you a bit of the venue and will publish the guidelines for the slides that we expect the speakers to follow.
See you really soon!