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Improving Code Quality with Coverage Analysis

von Martin Becker (‎martin‎) (Ulm.pm)

Improving Code Quality with Coverage Analysis richtet sich an Alle und wird in Deutsch gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 04.03.2020 um 10:50 Uhr und dauert 40 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 united-domains statt.

As a developer, code coverage analysis should be in your bag of tricks. By exposing code not covered by unit tests it helps to improve the test suite, identify edge cases and eliminate dead code and other logical flaws.

The talk will explain different types of coverage, discuss what coverage analysis can achieve as well as its limitations, and show how to do it. Most of the examples use Perl 5 and Devel::Cover, but the subject matter is fairly language-independent.

The presentation language is German with English slides. The speaker is an experienced Perl programmer with a professional background in mathematics and quality assurance.

Präsentation: http://ulm.pm.org/coverage/

Tags: coverage perl quality
