Documentation For Fun And Profit

By James Aitken (‎LoonyPandora‎)
Date: Saturday, 24 November 2012 10:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: documentation marketing pod

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Perl is a very expressive language and your code can look like anything you can imagine. Good documentation is vital in helping others understand what your code does, why, and how they should use it.

Join me, and take a trip into the glamourous world of documentation. I want to show you how to produce beautiful documentation, write better copy, and how documentation helps market your code.

This talk will cover:
- The history, benefits, and limitations of POD as opposed to other documentation formats.
- How writing better documentation helps you write better code
- The social & marketing benefits of "pretty" documentation
- Introduction to CPAN modules that help improve your projects documentation
- Unveiling of shiny new secret project to ease the pain of creating documentation.

Attended by: James Aitken (‎LoonyPandora‎), James Ronan (‎Jim‎), Ross Hayes, Tony Bedford, Jason Clifford, Nuria Arranz-Velazquez, Pete Houston, James Mastros (‎theorbtwo‎), Pierre Masci (‎mascip‎), cjbradford, Marco Fontani (‎mfontani‎), Richard Jelinek (‎TheWhip‎), Nigel Metheringham (‎nigelm‎), David Precious (‎bigpresh‎), Istvan Gal, Dumitru Negrea, Mircea Patachi, Adela Codrea, Diana Donca, Tom Bloor (‎TBSliver‎), Amalia Aida (‎amalia‎), Andreea Stanciu, Florentina Borse (‎Florentina‎), Victor Churchill, Merlyn Kline, Iain Campbell, Anatolie Mazur (‎Mask‎),




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