Go Here (http://act.yapc.eu/lpw2014/index.html) for 2014 Event!
What is it?
Attending the event, speaking or presenting? Read the guide for location and other useful information.
The London Perl Workshop is a free one-day conference in central London, UK. LPW is the UK's Premier Perl Event and so is also known as the United Kingdom Perl Workshop (UKPW). In 2012 it will be held on Saturday 24th November at Westminster University's New Cavendish Campus.
How Can I Attend, or Present a Talk?
If you would like to come then please log in and register, if you have attended a Perl event recently you will probably already have a login otherwise you will need to create a new user first. You can do this by using the links in the navigation menu to the left of this text.
If you would like to speak then please submit your talk here as soon as possible - the earlier you submit, the more likely your talk is to be accepted.
Is There a Theme?
The theme for the London Perl Workshop will be 25 Years of Perl, and will focus on the manner in which Perl is used in the commercial world and the strength of Perl for development in an enterprise environment; we would also like to see talks on the usage of Perl in the past 25 years and the evolution of the environment. You can use any aspect of Perl such as Camelia, Rakudo, Raptor, etc. Speakers are invited to talk on any subject that relates to this theme, though we will also accept talks on other subjects.
This year we hope to have access to three Workshop rooms and would like to run as many workshops as possible to introduce new users to the world of Perl and to refresh the skills of those wishing to engage with the latest developments in the Perl world. If you wish to submit a workshop please use the same submission form as the talks, please note that workshops will be 60, 120 or 240 minutes in length.
Proposal Deadline: Friday 19 October 2012
Speaker Notification: Monday 22 October 2012
Watch this space for updates, or check the feed.
Latest News
20/11/12 After Event Social
Once again we invite you to join us after the workshop has finished for a sponsored beverage and light bite at our post-event social. This year it is being sponsored by net-a-porter, antibodyMX, Evozon and Shadowcat Systems and will be held at the King and Queen, Foley Street just two minutes walk from the venue.
Details can be found in the back of the conference booklet or from the organisers on the day.
Thanks to Steve Sexton of Clues/antibodyMX for the hard work in organising this event with us.
20/11/12 The Pre-Event Social Event
Each year we meet on the night before the London Perl Workshop at one of the many pubs in and around London.
This year we will be attending the Magpie, reservation for upstairs, in Bishopsgate. Please visit this website for more information.
The social will take place starting 18:00, the nearest tube station is Liverpool Street. Some folks will likely be there even before the reservation time.
Thanks to t0m for organising this event.