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Realizing Raku macros

von Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)

Realizing Raku macros richtet sich an Fortgeschrittene und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 06.03.2020 um 09:05 Uhr und dauert 40 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 united-domains statt.

Raku already invites the developer to participate in compile time in a range of ways - but, while these ways are certainly useful for solving a range of problems, they are somewhat limited in nature. Macros aim to open up compile time further and provide an API that the programmer can rely on, rather than having to depend on compiler internals - as some adventurous folks already have!

Macros appeared in the Raku design from an early stage. These general ideas left a lot of open questions. Realizing the magnitude of the job, they were deferred to a later Raku language version. However, there was design progress: a research language, 007, explored the problem space, and produced some useful insights.

Now it's time to try and get those ideas and insights into Rakudo, so we can see how they work out in the face of the full language. In this talk, I'll chart the path forward: what macros will look like, how they'll be implemented, and what they mean for the Rakudo compiler architecture.
