Wiki - ResurrectingMadridPM

Resurrecting Madrid Perl Mongers

The Madrid Perl Mongers have been dormant for some years.

Most of the old usual attendees went to live to other cities, got distracted by life, or just stopped using Perl, but now, some of us are ready for a come back and we hope to also get in new blood from this YAPC::Europe in Granada.

The plan is to meet during the breakfast break the second conference day (Thursday, 10:30).

If you are from Madrid or near enough, just come and say hello!

I am going

Vadim Troshchinskiy
Enrique Nell (‎e-nell‎)
Joaquín Ferrero (‎explorer‎)
Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎)
Salvador Fandiño (‎salva‎)
Nicolas Vigier (‎boklm‎)
Pablo Rodríguez González
Diego Solórzano