Average Airline ticket prices(20-120 EUR):
- from Madrid 60 EUR
- from Barcelona 80 EUR
- from Brussels 20 EUR
- from Paris 80 EUR
- from Berlin 100 EUR
- from Frankfurt 30 EUR
- from Zurich 120 EUR
- from Vienna 50 EUR
- from Prague 90 EUR
- from Rome 80 EUR
- from Milan 20 EUR
Average flight time from major Europe cities 2 hours.
Average Train ticket prices:
- a train from Vienna to Sofia costs around 60 EUR. Average travel time is 22 hours.
- a train from Budapest to Sofia costs around 50 EUR. Average travel time is 17 hours.
We generally DO NOT advise you to use the trains, since the trains in Serbia and Bulgaria are with poor quality, also they are very slow.
Travel by Car, average times:
- from Vienna to Sofia is 12 hours.
- from Berlin to Sofia is 19 hours.
- from Barcelona to Sofia 26 hours.
- from Riga to Sofia 32 hours.
We will have more detailed travel plans available soon.
We will also try to arrange pickup from the Airport to the hotel for speakers.
version 3 saved on 02/06/14 16:03 by Lukas Mai (mauke)
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