Building C/C++ libraries and applications with Module::Build
By Alberto Simões (ambs) from
Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2012 14:45
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: c config::autoconf extutils::cbuilder extutils::libbuilder module::build perl
In this talk I will present the recipe I am using to build Perl Modules that depend on C or C++ libraries (and that ship those C or C++ libraries with the module itself).
The recipe uses a mixture of Module::Build custom building module, ExtUtils::CBuilder for C compiler interface, ExtUtils::LibBuilder to adapt some ExtUtils::CBuilder defaults that make standards library build impossible, and Config::AutoConf for externals libraries and headers detection.
This recipe has been used in a lot of different modules I maintain: Lingua::Identify::CLD, Text::BibTeX, Lingua::Jspell and the recent Lingua::FreeLing2 (still beta) and Lingua::NATools (still not released at the date).
Attended by: Martin Becker (martin), Alberto Simões (ambs), Leon Timmermans (leont), Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (daxim), Patrick Ringl (pari), Karl Gaissmaier (Charly), Matthias Bloch (maettu), Olivier Mengué (dolmen), Thomas Mundt, Nuno Carvalho (smash), Yanick Champoux (Yanick), Farhad Fouladi, Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), Peter Heuchert, Michele Beltrame (arthas), Francisco Lourenço (fml), Anne Thorniley, Luís Miguel Braga (microft), Alex Timoshenko, Andreas Vögele, Vladimir Lashko (Ostrovok), david dunnington, António Martins (ammartins), Stéphane Payrard (cognominal), Sören Laird Sörries, Anton Berezin (Grrrr), Torsten Förtsch, Martin Vorländer (mvorl),