Witaj na stronie Polskiego Perl Workshopu 2013!
(english version below)
Polski Perl Workshop to konferencja przeznaczona nie tylko dla polskich entuzjastów języka Perl. Odbędzie się 25-26 maja 2013 w Warszawie, al. Niepodległości 69 (biuro Opera Software). Spotkanie integracyjne dla uczestników odbędzie się dzień wcześniej, w piątek 24 maja.
Lista prezentacji jest dostępna tutaj
Imprezę organizuje grupa Warszawa.pm, składająca się z osób zajmujących się zawodowo oraz hobbistycznie językiem Perl. Partnerem technicznym jest firma Foxoft. Zapraszamy!
Prosimy zarejestrować się za pomocą odnośnika "New user" oraz podać odpowiednie dane w formularzu rejestracyjnym. W razie problemów z rejestracją prosimy o kontakt na adres plpw <at> foxoft.com.pl
- Normalna: 100 PLN
- Studenci: 50 PLN (prosimy zabrać legitymację)
- Firmy: 200 PLN (wystawiamy fakturę VAT - prosimy podać NIP; firma staje się sponsorem konferencji)
- Prelegenci: bez opłat
Sposoby płatności:
- przelewem: Foxoft Piotr Fusik, mBank 80 1140 2004 0000 3902 7463 6619 tytułem "Polish Perl Workshop 2013"
- kartą przez system YAPC::Europe Foundation
- za pomocą PayPal
Welcome to Polish Perl Workshop 2013!
Polish Perl Workshop is a conference dedicated not only to Polish enthusiasts of Perl. It will be held on 25-26 May 2013 in Warsaw, Poland, al. Niepodległości 69 (Opera Software office). A pre-conference drinkup will occur on Friday, 24th.
The list of talks is available here
The event is organized by a group Warszawa.pm. We are Perl professionals and hobbyists. Our technical partner is Foxoft company.
Please register as a new user and fill the form with your informations
Entrance fee:
- Normal: 100 PLN
- Students: 50 PLN (please take your student's ID)
- Business: 200 PLN (invoice included; the company becomes a sponsor)
- Speakers: free
Payment methods:
- via a bank transfer: Foxoft Piotr Fusik, mBank 80 1140 2004 0000 3902 7463 6619 with a transfer title "Polish Perl Workshop 2013"
- with a credit card via the YAPC::Europe Foundation system
- via PayPal
Partners and sponsors

Latest News
20/05/13 The Hitchhiker's Guide To Warsaw
Welcome to our country, where polar bears walk the streets and tracktors pass by the center (like I heard once).
You're lost? Read our guide to Warsaw and enjoy your travel to this crazy city.
You can also find very useful our flyer at http://plpw2013.pl/
Print it or enter it from your mobile in need.
08/05/13 PLPW next week!
This time next week we'll all eagerly waiting for the start of the first Polish Perl Workshop! Hooray!
If you haven't noticed, the schedule is online. Take a look at it, especially if you're a speaker.
Few things worth noting: If you still haven't registered, or confirmed your attendance, this is the final reminder. Note that if you still haven't confirmed, there's a (small) chance that we won't have a t-shirt for you, or a reserved seat on social meetings. The sooner you let us know, the better.
The pre-conference drinkup will start on friday, 1900 hours, in Znajomi Znajomych, a nice little restaurant few subway stations away from the venue. Directions are here. Our great sponsors will be sponsoring drinks! Because almost no one signed up on the wiki page, we have a reservation for 20 seats. Please sign up on the wiki page linked above, so if there'll be more of us, we'll know soon enough to find more space for us.
Here is where the venue is placed. We'll do our best to put some signs on walls here and there so you'll have no trouble finding it. In the worst case, call me at +48 792 249 468.
See you in a week!