
Organizer's log: Day 5

30/08/12 23:43 by Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎)

Today was the day for travelling home. The first ones left before 6 in the morning to catch the early flight out of SVG, and the last group left the Preikestolen Mountain Lodge at 09:40.

The logistics went quite smooth, with no surprises and everything going as planned. It was almost boring. :)

Five of us had late flights, so we stayed in Stavanger for some food and good drink. We started off at N.B.Sørensens Dampskibsexpidition. A nice place, but quite expensive. After lunch we went to another pub after a while, followed by another pub switch to The Cardinal pub where we ended the day with a few games of Fluxx Cthulhu and couple of wonderful beers from their huge bottled selection. Salve finally got the one he had been ranting about for weeks, and was happy.

A brilliant ending to a brilliant hackathon, if one might say. :)

-- Salve (hackathon organizer)

Tags: perl moose rdf hackathon organizer log