
Organizer's log: Day 3

28/08/12 23:30 by Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎)

The day starts off with rain, but luckily not as heavy as the meteorologists predicted on Tuesday. Breakfast was pleasant, and we enjoyed looking at the grey weather outside while munching dark bread with jam and Norwegian brown cheese. Marcus arrived in time for a late breakfast.

Then the hacking commenced.

We had lunch at noon, with announcements about food and presentations.

And then the hacking commenced.

We finished off with a round of presentations of what everyone has been doing the last few days. Much has been going on, and we're looking forward to see some blog posts about the results. Kjetil went home right afterwards, and we went to the restaurant for a tasty mutton dinner. Auggie's birthday was today, so we had a small cake for desserts and we all sang a copyrighted birthday song in her honor. :)

The evening went on with both socializing and hacking, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Tags: perl moose rdf hackathon organizer log