The Tense History of the Schwartzian Transform
The Tense History of the Schwartzian Transform
By brian d foy (brian d foy) from
Date: Friday, 2 September 2016 09:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: perl
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
- Talk:
You make take the Schwartzian Transform for granted, and you may even think it started in Perl. I'll go through it's first appearance in Perl form, the debate that surrounded it, and how it showed up in other languages.
Attended by: Michael Kröll (pepl), Lee Johnson, Renee Bäcker (reneeb), Axel Beckert (ABE / XTaran), Marcel Grünauer (Marcel), brian d foy (brian d foy), Jozef Kutej (jozef), Markus Hechenberger (Hechi), Wolfgang Schemmel (Perleone), Elmar Heeb (esh), Dirk Deimeke,