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Perl meetup HOWTO session

von Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) (Oslo.pm)

Perl meetup HOWTO session richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 07.03.2019 um 14:50 Uhr und dauert 40 Minuten. Er findet im R1.001 statt.

Do you want to see more Perl community activity in your area? Never tried to organize a Perl event, and are looking for inspiration and support?

This talk is for you!

At Oslo Perl Mongers (Oslo.pm) we've been organizing Perl events since 2002, and have quite a few experiences to share.

Salve J. Nilsen will share some of these, including thoughts on finances, level of ambition, types of events, successes and failures, and perhaps a few pointers that may make your local Perl community more attractive at the cost of just a few calories.

This talk will start with a fast-paced summary of Salve's thoughts and experiences. Afterwards, we'll open the floor for people to share some of their own experiences.

If you have something particularly useful to share, please get in touch with Salve before the talk, and we'll set aside a few minutes for you too!

Salve has organized (and helped organize) Perl meetups, hackathons, workshops and other events since Oslo.pm started. He has given several talks about the subject at Perl conferences.

Tags: meeting mongers organization perl
