Building private CPANs

By Peter Shangov (‎pshangov‎)
Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2012 15:15
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Advanced
Language: English
Tags: cpan

An increasing number of organizations are starting to use local CPANs to store and deploy their private Perl code. This talk will review the currently available tools for building private repositories, with particular focus on the new CPAN::Local library for creating custom repos that can handle non-standard needs (

The talk will cover:

* CPAN basics: directory structure, indices, full vs. passthrough mirrors
* Existing CPAN management solutions: CPAN::Mini and derivatives, Pinto, CPAN::Local
* Tools of the trade: libraries for working with distributions, for reading and writing indices, and for testing CPAN repos
* Practical issues: deployment with CPAN clients, locking dependency versions, serving documentation, remote access and security

Attended by: Henrik Tougaard (‎htoug‎), Catalin Ciurea (‎catalin‎), Michael Jemmeson (‎michael‎), Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), Gabriele Hack (‎gabimuc‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Christian Walde (‎Mithaldu‎), Eric Johnson (‎kablamo‎), Martin Becker (‎martin‎), Gunnar Koppel (‎wk‎), Heinz Knutzen, Yanick Champoux (‎Yanick‎), Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎), Carlos Juan Diaz (‎cjuan‎), Renee Bäcker (‎reneeb‎), Ulrich Wisser (‎wisser‎), Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎), Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Markus Pinkert (‎Bedivere‎), Marcel Grünauer (‎Marcel‎), Richard Jelinek (‎TheWhip‎), Steven Manschot (‎sman‎), Stefan Limbacher, Wolfgang Pecho, Farhad Fouladi, Paul van Eldijk (‎pavel‎), Herbert Leitz, Andreas Altergott, Manfred Stock (‎mstock‎), Alex Timoshenko, Vladimir Lashko (‎Ostrovok‎), Stefan Oberwahrenbrock (‎rebos‎), David Farrell (‎dnmfarrell‎), Patrick Ringl (‎pari‎), John van Krieken (‎vladtz‎), Matthias Zeichmann, Martin Evans (‎mjevans‎), Asbjørn Thegler (‎ath‎), Roman Baumer (‎rba‎), Thomas Fahle, mirod, Michael Schwern (‎Schwern‎), Steffen Schwigon (‎renormalist‎), Tomas Doran (‎t0m‎), Felix Antonius Wilhelm Ostmann (‎Sadrak‎), Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎), Dirk Joos (‎Dirk80‎), Oliver Miller,
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