By Mark Overmeer (markov) from Arnhem.pm, Amsterdam.pm
Date: Wednesday, 22 August 2012 11:20
Duration: 90 minutes
Target audience: Advanced
Language: English
Tags: xml
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
You may like it or not, but many of us need to process XML every once in a while. XML itself can be compared to lines on paper -- nothing special; the "technologies" around it do the work.
As maintainer of XML::Compile, I see many many schemas and WSDLs (SOAP). Like any good software project, those are usually full of mistakes, ugliness and heritage.
In previous years, I have taught how to use XML::Compile(::SOAP(::Daemon)); they play only a minor role in this presentation (some examples shown) My target for this talk is to improve your knowledge about schema's/soap/wsdl to a level above the of average schema designer. This will help you with your next XML-related project.
Attended by: Piotr Fusik (0xF), Bert, Henrik Tougaard (htoug), Eric Johnson (kablamo), Gunnar Koppel (wk), Erik Johansen (uniejo), Ulrich Wisser (wisser), Steffen Winkler (STEFFENW), Torsten Förtsch, Magnus Zeisig (magnuz), Tobias Reimann, Martin Vorländer (mvorl), Alex Timoshenko, Julien Fiegehenn (simbabque), Miguel Godinho, Hilko Bengen (hillu), Sören Laird Sörries, Stepan Cenek, Tobias Leich (froggs),