Ternary Logic and Digital Computing
By Martin Becker (martin) from Ulm.pm
Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2012 16:05
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: arithmetic computer emulation logic
Ternary or three-valued logic is a logic in which there are three truth values indicating true, false and some third value, often used to denote uncertainty or indefiniteness. A three-valued information unit is called a trit.
It would be technically feasible to build digital systems based on trits, using memory units with three distinct states (flip-flap-flops) and logic circuitry with three distinct input/output levels, like positive, negative and zero voltage.
This talk explores basic operations and other important properties for a hypothetical ternary computer, as implemented in the Perl library Math-Logic-Ternary. It turns out that ternary logic gives rise to uniqe features such as a very simple and symmetric numeral system.
Attended by: Martin Becker (martin), Matthias Zeichmann, H.Merijn Brand (Tux), Stefan Seifert (Nine), Dominic Humphries (djh), Ulrich Wisser (wisser), Patrick Mevzek, Markus Pinkert (Bedivere), Henrik Tougaard (htoug), Richard Jelinek (TheWhip), Robin Sheat, Torsten Förtsch, Alex Timoshenko, Bernd Ulmann (vaxman), david dunnington, Gerhard Raffius, David Farrell (dnmfarrell), Dave Sherohman (dsheroh), Sebastian Stellingwerff (webmind), Jean Forget, Luís Miguel Braga (microft), Snorri Briem, Dennis Stosberg,