YAPC::Europe 2012
Uni Frankfurt, August, 20th-22nd
YAPC::Europe is the largest annual European Perl conference, and is hosted in different city every year. It is aimed to programmers, companies and free lancers, who use the Perl programming language. The conference provides attendees with a deeper understanding of Perl, its philosophy, and the opportunity to learn the latest features and techniques.
If you have questions, contact us by mail at questions@yapc2012.de.
The Venue
Campus Bockenheim (Maps)
Hörsaalgebäude, Gräfstraße 50 (OSM / Streetview)
YAPC::Europe on social media
Latest News
09/08/12 Schedule for YAPC::Europe 2012 is online
After hard work and many trade-offs, we have finished the schedule for this years YAPC::Europe (iCal export).
Unfortunately it is likely that there still are talk conflicts where you would like to attend two or more talks at the same time. We are recording some of the tracks, so hopefully you can watch the talks you missed after the event.
18/07/12 YAPC::Europe Pre-Conference meetup on Sunday 19th August
If you arrive on or before Sunday, there is an informal meetup on Sunday evening, 18:30 in the Café Extrablatt near the Bockenheim Campus of the University.
It would be good for us if we have a rough estimate of how many people plan to attend. So if you plan on coming, please head over to the wiki and add your name.
See you in Frankfurt!