Oslo Perl Mongers invites you to the Moving to Moose double-hackathon near Stavanger, Norway! You'll get four full days of hacking, discussion and fun at the Preikestolen Mountain Lodge conference hotel. And if the weather allows it, we'll do a 5+5km hike to Preikestolen and back!

The hackathon topic is two-fold: Getting a proper Meta Object Protocol into the Perl5 core, and Moving RDF and other CPAN modules to Moose.
We're specifically inviting two communities - the #p5-mop and #perlrdf crowds, but also any other communities that would like to move their project to the Moose ecosystem. If you consider yourself a member of the CPAN and Perl communities, look for the special community promo codes!
The hackathon is also open for you! We're opening for commercial attendees and hope the high-bandwidth discussions, focused hacking and friendly networking environment will work as a great door-opener for anyone who wants to take a deep-dive into the Perl community.
Important dates
Monday, June 25th 2012
Final deadline for signing up and purchasing a ticket. We'll have to send the final number of attendees to the hotel. Please remember that there's limited space, and tickets go at a first-come first-served basis. Don't delay signing up!
Saturday, August 25th 2012
Travel to and check-in at Preikestolen Mountain Lodge. Social event in the evening.
Sunday, August 26th 2012 → Wednesday, August 29th 2012
Moving to Moose hackathon (4 days). If weather allows, we'll visit Preikestolen (image above).
Thursday, August 30th 2012
Check-out and travel home.
Details can be found on the schedule page.
Signing up
Participation details and instructions on how to sign up are available on the pricing page.
Watch this space for updates, or check the feed.
Latest News
30/08/12 Organizer's log: Day 5
Today was the day for travelling home. The first ones left before 6 in the morning to catch the early flight out of SVG, and the last group left the Preikestolen Mountain Lodge at 09:40.
The logistics went quite smooth, with no surprises and everything going as planned. It was almost boring. :)
Five of us had late flights, so we stayed in Stavanger for some food and good drink. We started off at N.B.Sørensens Dampskibsexpidition. A nice place, but quite expensive. After lunch we went to another pub after a while, followed by another pub switch to The Cardinal pub where we ended the day with a few games of Fluxx Cthulhu and couple of wonderful beers from their huge bottled selection. Salve finally got the one he had been ranting about for weeks, and was happy.
A brilliant ending to a brilliant hackathon, if one might say. :)
-- Salve (hackathon organizer)
Tags: perl moose rdf hackathon organizer log
29/08/12 Organizer's log: Day 4
Sometimes it seems like we're at a food hackathon! We had a nice Norwegian breakfast, a tasty lunch and a four-course dinner to finish off the hackathon. In-between these bouts of consumption, we hacked on all kinds of things. But this time with the rather striking knowledge that the hackathon is about to end. Some of us chose to continue well into the night, knowing that we had to get up quite early to catch the bus to the airport.
Well done to the attendees! We've had a great time, achieved a lot, and proved the substantial value of gathering people in the same room in order to solve problems quickly.
Now we only have to wait for the attendees to write their own blog posts about the event! ^^
Tags: perl moose rdf hackathon organizer log