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Rescuing Legacy Code

von Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎)

Rescuing Legacy Code richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 05.04.2018 um 10:00 Uhr und dauert 60 Minuten. Er findet im Dom statt.

Do we rewrite a legacy codebase? Do we refactor it? Do we ignore it? It's a huge problem for all programming languages and frankly, it's handled very poorly. Arguments are often emotional instead of rational because we're blind to our own biases.

Instead, we'll talk about this from two different viewpoints. First, we'll briefly describe creating a business case to help you better inform your decision making. Then, we'll talk about the technical approach you'll take.

Regardless of whether or not you face the legacy codebase problem, this talk is a smorgasbord of useful tips that will help your career whether you're in management or in development.
