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"How does deoptimization help us go faster", and other questions you were sensible enough not to ask

by Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)

"How does deoptimization help us go faster", and other questions you were sensible enough not to ask aimed at Intermediate and is held in English. This talk starts on 2018-04-06 at 14:00 for 40 minutes. It takes place at the Knollendorf.

Confused by control flow graphs? Bemused by basic blocks? Disturbed by dominance? Threatened by phi nodes? Lost with lattices? Deflated by deoptimization? Intrigued by inlining? Overwhelmed by on stack replacement?

Don't worry. Or maybe do, because in this session I'll be talking about all of them.

MoarVM is gradually learning the tricks of the modern dynamic language VM trade, in order to run Perl 6 faster. Having an understanding of how it measures and manipulates your programs as they run will enable you to squeeze more performance out of Perl 6 in the places where it matters.


Tags: moarvm optimization perl6

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