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Meltdown and Spectre .. for normal people

by Jens Neuhalfen

Meltdown and Spectre .. for normal people aimed at Any and is held in Deutsch. This talk starts on 2018-04-06 at 15:50 for 40 minutes. It takes place at the Dom.

Meltdown and Spectre are security flaws that gained widespread media coverage in the first days of 2018. Contrary to other security bugs these flaws are

- hardware, not software based
- the direct consequence of years of performance improvements
- extremely widespread because they affect (nearly all) computer systems, including mobile phones

Most coverages of these flaws fall either into the category "Intel caused a terrible security bug. And now for something completely different." (AKA _we are going to die!_) or "By priming the BPU of the CPU a malicious process can read out of bounds memory via speculative code execution" (AKA _white noise_ to most people).

How this is different

This is for "normal people". With these slides I fill the hole between "we are going to die!" and "white noise". You, the reader, will understand what went wrong, how it went wrong, and why this is bad. I will try to minimise the computer specialists words to an absolute minimum. Promised!


Tags: meltdown security spectre

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